How To Boost Metabolism
Most of the diet programs that claim to help you get rid of excess
weight, end up making it harder for you in the long run because they
use harsh metabolism-decreasing diets and not enough exercise (almost
never any weight training).
It may take a little longer if you have really messed things up with
severe starvation dieting in the past, especially if you’ve lost a lot
of lean body mass, but it is never hopeless. Anyone can increase their metabolism.
Most people get an almost immediate boost in metabolic rate on the
Burn The Fat program, however, the results are not going to be
“overnight.” Give it a little time…
Within 3 weeks your metabolism will already be more efficient. Within
6-8 weeks, it’s burning hot. Give me 12 weeks of consistent diligent
effort, sticking with all the metabolism boosting strategies, and your
metabolism really will become like a turbo charged engine, and I’m not
exaggerating when I say that.
Whats most important for upping your metabolism is CONSISTENCY in
applying the Burn The Fat nutrition and training principles every
single day. That includes the meal frequency and timing and consistent
workouts including both cardio and weight training.
The weight training is extremely important in cases of “metabolic
damage” because this is the stimulus to keep the muscle you have and
begin rebuilding new muscle tissue, which is the engine that drives
your metabolism.
The men don’t usually have a problem with the weight training, but I
still hear women say they don’t want to lift weights as part of their
fat loss programs. Well, people who wont lift weights can expect a
very, very long “repair process” if they achieve it at all.
Consistency is the key.
Nothing will undermine the “re-building” of your metabolism like
inconsistency. If you stop and start, or skip meals and workouts often,
you will not even get off the ground.
After your metabolism is back up where it should be, it takes
continued “stoking” of the metabolic furnace to keep it there. Once you
get your metabolic engine running, you’ve got to keep feeding it fuel
or the fire will die down.
Your goal is to get your metabolism burning hot and keep it burning and
this cannot be achieved by missing meals, missing workouts or with
sporadic, infrequent training.