Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Six Commandments of (Weight Loss or Fat Loss)


It’s not easy to lose weight. That is a given fact of life. But with vigour, determination and a dash of luck, a slimmer waistline and a lighter body is certainly a possibility. In order to succeed with weight loss, it is critical to follow certain principles and measures. This article gives six commandments for a more attractive physique.
Acceptance is the key
Yes, everyone has his own flaws and so along the way, you will meet several obstacles in attaining your goal. Your mettle and self-confidence will be tested but this does not mean that you should just give up easily. Each time you commit a mistake, or give in to temptation, just move forward and start again. Next time, just be healthier and wiser with the choices you make.
A strong and passionate desire should come from you
If you are really resolved in losing weight, it will certainly show. If not, it will certainly show as well. So, when you have decided to lose weight, make that ultimate and firm choice to follow the regimen or program that you have chosen. Remember, this act of losing weight is not for others, it is ultimately for you.
Have a support system
To succeed, you need to solicit the help of your family, friends and even co-workers. The mere act of voicing out your intentions to lose weight will help you become more committed, as you will now have people who can help you stick to your resolve. Who knows, you might even find an exercise buddy or two amongst them.
Clear your refrigerator and cupboards
Have you opened yours lately? What have you seen? There are a lot of other alternatives apart from all that are processed, refined and laden with additives. Make the smart choice by stocking up on the more healthful and nutritious food and beverages. That way, you will be eating healthy plus, you will find it easier to resist eating high-calorie snacks.
Have a break every now and then
This does not mean some little cheating on your program; rather, this is about rewarding yourself with something that you will make you happy. It could be a favourite book, a movie marathon or a stroll in the park. This way, you are not rewarding yourself with a sinful food but with an activity that might even help you lose weight.
Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded. Make this acronym be your guide in planning. Set small goals at first and go from there. Do not disappoint yourself with something that you won’t be able to follow or you won’t be able to reach. Needless to say, you also have to be kind to your body.
Ultimately, weight loss all boils down to the person wanting to lose weight. The motivation behind in being resolved in losing weight will propel one to succeed. More than an appealing body, remember that weight loss is also about being healthy and enjoying a better quality of life.