Sunday, 30 June 2013

Punch Off The Pounds (Part 2)

Punch Off the Pounds


High Knees

For legs and abs

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms reaching overhead. Lift left knee toward chest, exhaling and contracting abs as if doing a crunch; at the same time, bend elbows and bring fists down in front of shoulders. Return to starting position, and repeat with right leg to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat 3–5 times.

Trainer tip: For more of a challenge, hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell or medicine ball between your hands.


Combo Drill

To add a cardio blast to this strengthening routine, put on some fast-paced music and match the beat while you punch, pivot, and kick your way through this sequence:

• 4 alternating front kicks (top left)
• 4 alternating high knees (top right)
• 4 alternating hooks (bottom right)
• 8 alternating one-two punches (bottom left)

Do the sequence 4 times, then jog in place for 1 minute to lower heart rate; repeat 8 times.


Kickboxing Move

Punching gives kickboxers supertoned arms. Get them, too, with this move from John Savidis, martial arts world champ and owner of John Savidis’ Fitness and Martial Arts. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and right foot slightly farther back than your left. Bring your fists up in front of your face. Extend one arm, hitting up and out with palms down. As you bring that arm back, extend the other. Continue alternating arms, hitting as fast as you can. Begin with 30 seconds; gradually work up to 2 minutes.,,20307111_4,00.html


Saturday, 29 June 2013

Punch Off the Pounds (Part 1)

Punch Off the Pounds


One-Two Punch

From Health Magazine 
For arms and chest

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bring fists to cheekbone level, with elbows in toward chest. Punch right arm forward, thumb facing up; as right arm comes back, punch with left arm. That’s 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat 3–5 times.

Trainer tip: To really get your heart pumping, punch for 1 minute, then rest for 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.


Front Kick

For quads and abs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bring fists to cheekbone level, with elbows in toward chest. Raise right knee to hip height, flex your foot, then quickly kick your foot straight out. Return to starting position, and repeat with left leg to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds; repeat 3–5 times.

Trainer tip: To add more of a challenge, raise knee to chest before kicking; to make it easier, kick lower and slower.



For shoulders, arms, and abs

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bring fists to cheekbone level, with elbows in toward chest. Lift heel of right foot, and pivot the ball of right foot, right hip, and right shoulder to the left. At the same time, lift right elbow so arm is parallel to floor; punch while twisting your body, keeping your elbow bent to 90 degrees. Return to starting position, and repeat with left arm to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then repeat 3–5 times.

Trainer tip: To strengthen your core, tighten abs with each punch.,,20307111,00.html

Friday, 28 June 2013

Four Weeks to Great Legs (Part 2)

Four Weeks to Great Legs

The Lean

(for inner thighs)

Return to Skater’s Lunge position, with your right foot back. Bend sideways at the waist, reaching your right arm up and left arm down and back toward your right calf (as shown). Return arms to starting position. Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.


Geisha Squat

(for glutes and abs)

A. Standing with feet and knees pressed together and hands in prayer position, push hips back and squat down; don’t let knees go past your toes.

B. Keeping your lower body still and facing forward, squeeze inner thighs together and rotate upper body and head to the right, touching right elbow to right knee. Turn to face forward again (still squatting), then repeat to the left; that’s 1 rep. Do 12 reps. 

Burn it off!
To shave inches and fat off your legs, do at least 30–45 minutes of interval training (walk, run, elliptical, swim, bike, skate) 3–4 times a week, alternating 3 minutes of moderate effort with 2 minutes of intense effort.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Four Weeks to Great Legs ( Part 1)

Four Weeks to Great Legs


The Moves To Get The Legs!

From Health Magazine
Score stronger, leaner, more amazing legs with this 12-minute strength workout based on trainer Jewel Elizabeth’s ROCK SOLID: LEGS class, taught at Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York City.

Do 1 set of moves after another, circuit-style, then repeat the circuit 1–2 more times. Do this workout 3–4 times a week and add fat-blasting cardio, and you’ll ditch up to 2 inches from around each leg in 4 weeks, plus give your butt a boost.


Energy Squat

(for quads)

A. Stand with feet wide, knees and toes turned out, and arms out to the sides and parallel to the floor. Lower into a pliƩ squat; knees should be aligned above ankles. Raise your right heel, and pivot to the left on your right toe. Drop into lunge position, bringing arms together in front of your chest and parallel to the floor.

B. Return to forward-facing pliĆ© squat, then straighten legs and lift arms overhead. Return to starting position, then repeat on the opposite side; that’s 1 rep. Do 10 reps.


Skater's Lunge

(for outer thighs)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees and toes turned out, and arms out to sides and parallel to floor. Keeping hips square, place right foot diagonally behind you, heel lifted. Lower into a lunge; don’t let the front knee go past toes. Return to starting position. Do 16 reps, then switch legs and repeat.,,20306983,00.html

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Your Get-Fit Regimen (Part 3)

Your Get-Fit Regimen


Mountain Climbers

(for butt, legs and core)
A. (inset) Get into plank position with your hands on a bench or low chair and feet on the floor."]

B. Keeping your abs tight and body aligned, bring your right knee in toward your chest, then straighten it again. Do 12–15 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

 aerobic-exercise-planFour to five times per week, do any of the following 35-minute workouts. The levels below are based on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is kicking back on the couch and 10 is pushing so hard you’re gasping for breath. (No 10s here, no worries.) After each workout, cool down at a slow pace for 5 minutes.

Walk/Run (indoor or outdoor)
1. Walk at a moderate pace (level 4) for 5 minutes.
2. Pick up speed until you’re walking at a fast pace (levels 5–6) for 3 minutes.
3. Increase pace to a run (levels 7–8) for 2 minutes.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 five more times.

Elliptical Trainer
1. Work at a moderate resistance and slight incline (level 4) for 5 minutes.
2. Increase pace (levels 6–7) for 2 minutes.
3. Keeping the same speed, increase incline for 1 minute (levels 8–9).
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 nine more times.

Bike (indoor or outdoor)
1. Pedal at a moderate speed and/or resistance (level 4) for 5 minutes.
2. Increase speed and/or resistance (levels 6–7) for 2 minutes.
3. Pick up pace a little more (levels 8–9) for 1 minute.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 nine more times.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Your Get-Fit Regimen (Part 2)

Your Get-Fit Regimen


Alternating Resistance Row with Lateral Step

(for back, shoulders, biceps, butt and thighs)
Attach a resistance band to a door knob or column. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, gripping handles with arms extended at shoulder height. Step out to the right, bending your right knee; at the same time, drive your right elbow back, pulling your shoulder blade toward your spine. Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side; that’s 1 rep. Do 12–15 reps.


Dumbbell Alternating Shoulder Press

(for shoulders, biceps and core)
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height, palms forward. Keeping body aligned and abs tight, push your right hand upward until your arm is fully extended (as shown above). Slowly lower right arm while simultaneously pushing left arm up; continue to alternate arms. Each right-left extension counts as 1 rep. Do 12–15 reps.


Cobra on the Ball

(for shoulders, back, butt and core)
A. (inset) Kneel in front of a stability ball, resting your chest against it. Slowly roll forward until your legs are straight behind you."]

B. Draw your belly button in toward your spine, squeeze your butt muscles, and tuck your chin as you begin to lift your torso off the ball. Slowly draw your shoulder blades down and back toward your spine while lifting your arms and extending them toward your feet, rotating your hands so your palms face down. Slowly return to starting position. Do 12–15 reps.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Your Get-Fit Regimen (Part 1)

Your Get-Fit Regimen


Strength Plan

By Ingela Ratledge
From Health Magazine
Do 1 set of each move (in this order), one immediately after another, circuit-style. Rest 1–2 minutes, then repeat the circuit twice. Do this 30-minute strength workout 2–3 times per week, with at least one day of rest in between.


Raised-Feet Push-Up

(for chest, shoulder, triceps and core)
A. (top) Get into plank position with hands on the floor and feet elevated on a bench or low chair. Activate your core by pulling your belly button in toward your spine and squeezing your butt muscles.

B. (bottom) Bend your elbows and slowly lower your body toward the floor, stopping when your elbows are at 90-degrees; press back up to starting position. (Make sure your core stays engaged throughout the entire movement, and don’t let your lower back arch.) Do 12–15 reps.


Forward Lunge With Elbow Extension

(for butt, thighs, calves, shoulders, triceps, core)
A. (inset) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and abs drawn in. Holding a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell between your hands, raise it above your head."]

B. Keeping body aligned, step your left foot forward and lower into a lunge, keeping most of your weight on your left leg. In the deepest part of the lunge, bend your elbows to bring the weight behind your head. Push back up to starting position while ex-tending your elbows. Do 12–15 reps, then switch legs and repeat.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism (Part 3)

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism

 down dog pose

Do a Down Dog

Surprise: Yoga gets you in burn mode. In one study, participants who relaxed their way through a 50-minute yoga session saw a drop in their levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can inhibit fat burning.

Start with a 10-minute circuit and work up to a longer session.


Become a Morning Exerciser

Late meetings, evening events, happy hour with colleagues—so many things got in the way of my evening workouts, so I became a morning exerciser. Working out first thing in the morning guaranteed that I fit it in before my day got carried away and excuses popped up.

Even though I'm naturally a morning person, becoming a morning exerciser was no easy task! The first few mornings were really hard, but the more I forced myself to do it, the easier it was and eventually it became a regular part of my routine with great results.


Fit in a Weekend Workout

If I missed a workout during the work week, I made up for it by exercising on Saturday morning. Of course, I'd preferred to sleep in on the weekend, but my a.m. workout always started my weekend off on the right foot. Instead of snoozing the day away, I seized it, which felt great knowing that I could enjoy the rest of my weekend stress-free!

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism (Part 2)

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism

 woman running

Include Intervals

Cyclists who pedaled at an all-out effort with high resistance for a total of five 30-second sprints (that's just 2.5 minutes!) burned a whopping 200 calories, according to recent Colorado State University research.

Don't forget to recover between intervals: Here participants recouped with four minutes of slow pedaling with low resistance after each burst.

"Changing the intensity forces your muscles to work harder," says Andia Winslow, a personal trainer in New York City.

 drinking water

Guzzle H20

It will keep your metab humming when you're just bumming around. In a University of Utah study, participants who downed eight to 12 glasses of water a day burned more calories at rest than those who drank four.

Water not your cup of tea? Freeze bits of peeled citrus fruit and use them in place of ice cubes.

woman eating snack

Snack Post-Workout

Exercisers who drank a 250-calorie shake with 24 grams of protein and 36 grams of carbs after strength training lost about four pounds more fat and created one and a half pounds more lean muscle in six months than those who didn't drink the shake, Westcott says.

His research links the protein-carb hit with muscle building and fat loss, but it doesn’t have to be a shake. A banana with peanut butter works too—just nosh within 30 minutes after working out (and include those calories in your overall tally).

Friday, 21 June 2013

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism (Part 1)

7 Easy Ways to Kick-Start Your Metabolism

 woman stretching

Ramp it up

By Kate Ashford
From Health Magazine
Raise a hand if you have a fast metabolism. Anyone? Truth is, we all think our metabolic rate is slowww—and assume that speeding it up would require two-hour runs and boot camp till we're wrecked.

Not so. In fact, all the little decisions you make about eating and moving make a big difference in your calorie-torching ability.

"Your metabolism isn't fixed," says exercise physiologist Gary Ditsch. "You can impact it significantly with your daily activity and diet." Adopt a few of these strategies to get the metabolism you crave—in the time you have.

woman lifting weights

Think: Strong

We all know weight-lifting builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. What you may not realise is that the calorie burn continues long after your last rep.

In a study at Southern Illinois University, exercisers who did a 15-minute resistance routine burned 100 extra calories a day for three days afterwards.

"Strength training causes micro trauma to the muscles," says Wayne Westcott, PhD, director of fitness research at Quincy College in Massachusetts. "Your body has to rebuild the muscle."

It does that by torching additional protein and carbs. Boost your fat burning: Three days a week, do 1 to 3 sets each of five resistance exercises (think push-ups and squats).


Lift First, Do Cardio Second

Exercisers who pumped iron 20 minutes before cycling melted more fat than those who didn't lift or those who waited longer between lifting and doing cardio.

So move right from the hand weights to that bike or treadmill.,,20654436_3,00.html

Thursday, 20 June 2013

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters (Part 3)

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters



Burns 221 calories in 30 minutes

This may not be the biggest calorie-burner in the bunch, but it’s still an excellent—and fun!—metabolism booster. (Just look at Kelly Osbourne, who jump-started her amazing 42-pound loss on Dancing with the Stars.) The key is to keep the tempo high, choosing songs with fast rhythms like Latin or Bollywood, and don’t rest between songs. Try Braganza’s favourite trick: Download a workout’s worth of your favourite tunes. Begin with an upbeat inspirational song (think “Just Dance” by Lady Gaga), then move on to songs with increasingly faster tempos. Slow the beat toward the end to cool down.

Boost the burn: Use your arms! Raise them in the air and move them to the beat.


Walking Vigorously

Burns 170 calories in 30 minutes

That’s right, walking actually made our list. Full disclosure, though: A leisurely stroll with a friend won’t cut it. You should be walking briskly enough that it’s difficult to keep up a steady conversation. To get the most from your biggest calorie-burning muscles—legs, butt, and core—take short, quick steps, keep your torso upright, and pump your arms back and forth (not side to side) in time with your stride. With each step, land on your heel and roll through to your toes.

Boost the burn: Alternate two minutes of brisk strides with one minute of as-fast-as-you-can-go walking (or jogging).

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters (Part 2)

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters


Jumping Rope

Burns 340 calories in 30 minutes

You knew this workout had to be high on the list. After all, it’s one of pro boxers’ favourite ways to train. To get the most from each jump, use a rope with handles that reach to just under your armpits when you stand on the middle of it, and follow these top-form tips: Jump with your feet slightly apart and body upright, and keep your jumps low to the ground. Don’t have a rope? You’ll get the same benefits by doing the movements rope-free.

Boost the burn: Frequently switch up your speed (slow, fast) and style (jumping with one foot, then two feet), or jump rope while you jog.


Hula Hooping

Burns 300 calories in 30 minutes

Marisa Tomei and BeyoncĆ© hoop to keep their bodies beautiful. To do it yourself, grab an adult-sized hoop (they’re larger and heavier than kids’ hoops, making them easier to spin); you’ll know you have the right size if it reaches your chest when you stand it up in front of you. Simply keep it going around your waist. To start, stand with one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth (versus around in a circle). And don’t worry if you’re less than perfect at first; you’ll still knock off major calories, plus get better every time you spin.



Burns 272 calories in 30 minutes

Don’t think you need to round up a partner or trek all the way to a court to break a super sweat with racket in hand. Simply find a flat area near a wall or garage door that you can hit the ball against. Alternate forehand and backhand shots—then see how many you can do in a row without goofing. Stand 10 to 25 feet away, which will force you to hit harder. Even practising your serve will get your body in burn mode, because you’ll have to run and bend to pick up your missed balls.

Boost the burn: Try to hit the ball consistently for 50 or 100 strokes. “Having a goal will make you work harder to reach it,” Braganza says.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters (Part 1)

The 7 Best Fat-Blasters


How to Burn Calories at Home

By Su Reid-St. John
From Health Magazine
We all have days when there’s no time to get to the gym. So we wondered: Which close-to-home cardio activities blast fat fastest? Wonder no more.

Here are the top seven fat-and-calorie burners, from Los Angeles–based celeb trainer Ramona Braganza, who has helped shape the amazing bodies of stars like Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, and Anne Hathaway. Try any one of these, and you’ll boost your metabolism for up to a whole day afterwards. One small workout, one giant payoff.


Inline Skating

Burns 425 calories in 30 minutes

Skating is numero uno on our list when it comes to blasting fat and calories. The big burn stems from the side-to-side movement of your thigh and butt muscles.

And your core gets involved in a big way to keep you balanced. What’s more, you get all these benefits without putting too much stress on your knees and other joints. Skate at a strong, steady pace. (Don’t forget your helmet, wrist guards, and knee and elbow pads.)

Boost the burn: Alternate one minute of hard skating with one minute of medium-paced strokes.



Burns 374 calories in 30 minutes

The typical runner’s shape is sleek and lean, and there’s a reason for that: The major running muscles—legs, butt, core—happen to be the biggest calorie-and-fat-burning muscles in your body. To get the most out of each stride, swing your arms close to your body, don’t lean forward, and keep your feet low to the ground. To lessen impact, land on the middle of your foot, then roll through to your toes.

Boost the burn: Alternate fast and slow intervals, or take to the hills.



Monday, 17 June 2013

Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 Weeks (Part 2)

Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 Weeks


Sliding Side Lunges:

For inner thighs, hamstrings and butt.

Stand on a towel with right foot turned out to side; place left heel in front of arch of right foot. Keeping weight over left leg, bend left knee to 90 degrees and slide right leg out along the side-back diagonal. Straighten left knee, and slide right leg back to starting position. Do 12–15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.


Clean Sweep Lunges:

For hamstrings, butt and thighs.

Start with feet together and right foot on towel. Bend left knee to 90 degrees, and slide right leg back to a shallow lunge. Sweep right leg across the body behind you to the left, keeping toes on the floor.


Alternative Clean Sweep Lunges:

Sweep leg right. Lift foot a few inches off floor, then lower it again and sweep back to center. Return to starting position. Do 12–15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Trainer tip: To add a challenge, hold a 5–8 pound dumbbell in each hand.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 Weeks (Part 1)

Get a Beautiful Butt in 4 Weeks


Heel slides: Part 1

From Health Magazine 
For hamstrings, butt, abs .

Lie face-up with knees bent and right heel on a towel. Extend hands by sides, and reach left leg straight up from hip. Pressing down with your right heel, lift your hips and lower back a few inches off the floor.


Heel slides: Part 2

Keeping hips raised, slide right foot out until knee is almost straight. Slide heel back to starting position. Do 10–12 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Trainer tip: Take this exercise down a notch by placing both heels on towel, hip-width apart, then sliding legs in and out together.


Dancer's Rear Strengthener

For outer thighs, butt.

Sit with knees bent to 90 degrees and soles of feet together; move bent right leg behind you. Rock forward, placing hands on either side of left knee and lifting right leg 1–2 inches off floor. Press right heel back, then return to bent-knee position, keeping leg lifted. Do 10–15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast (Part 3)

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast


Kneeling Glute Toner

Kneel with knees hip-width apart, and hold the back of a chair; tighten abs, tuck pelvis. Slide left foot back, lift knee and toes off floor; press straight back with foot (knee bent) 20 reps. Keeping knee behind hip, pelvis tucked, turn out leg slightly (toe to 8 on clock); lift toes 20 reps. Rotate thigh out; press foot back 20 reps. Lift leg diagonally to side 20 reps. Switch legs; repeat series.

Trainer tip: Keep working leg behind supporting leg at all times.



Sit with right knee bent directly in front of right hip and left knee bent behind left hip; place fingertips on either side of right knee (slightly wider than shoulders). Brace core muscles; lift left knee and foot off floor. Do 20 reps, touching floor with knee between reps. Keeping knee up, press knee back for 20 reps. Switch legs; repeat both moves.

Trainer tip: If lifting your knee is too challenging, just lift your foot.


Pigeon Stretch

From a kneeling position, bring bent right knee forward, laying outside of leg on mat, and slide left leg straight back. Keep hands on the floor, framing right knee. Slowly lower chest toward thigh as you gently roll your hips from side to side. Settle into a position that gives you your best stretch, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Trainer tip: Tight hips? Put a rolled-up towel beneath the hip on the same side as your front leg.

Friday, 14 June 2013

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast (Part 2)

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast


Single-Leg Dead Lift

(works butt, hamstrings, quadriceps, back, abs)

Stand on your right leg with your left leg bent and your left foot pointing behind you. Bend your right leg slightly, and slowly hinge forward at the hips, reaching your arms toward the floor (shown). Slowly return to standing on your right leg, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you come upright. Do 15 reps; switch legs, and repeat. Then do 1 minute of jumping jacks.

Trainer tip: Keep your back flat and chest lifted as you bend over to touch the floor.



(works abs)

A. Lie on your back with knees bent to 90-degree angles and feet lifted. Tighten abs as you inhale, and lift arms up and back over head (inset).

B. Exhale and swing arms forward, straightening legs so your body forms a V. If needed, put hands on the floor for support. Roll down slowly, bending knees and bringing arms overhead. Do 15 reps. Then do 1 minute of jumping jacks.

Trainer tip: Think about placing vertebra one at a time on the floor as you roll down.


Get a Beautiful Butt

From Health magazine
Tighten your bum with this workout based on the new Core Fusion: Thighs and Glutes from Elisabeth Halfpapp and Fred DeVito, the duo behind the Exhale Core Fusion craze. The moves may look tame, but don’t be fooled: You’ll lose up to 2 inches from your butt in 4 weeks.

•Do 3 times a week for 4 weeks.
•20 minutes total.
•Do a sequence once.


Standing Glute Toner

A. Stand with feet hip-width apart and parallel, and hold the back of a chair. Move left toe back 12 inches and touch floor with it. Soften both knees, tuck pelvis, then bend left knee to lift foot off floor. Keeping knee bent, press straight back (as if aiming for 6 on a clock) with foot for 20 reps, then move foot diagonally to the left (as if aiming for 8 on a clock) and press it back for 20 reps.

B. Straighten left leg. Lift leg, pressing straight back for 20 reps, then press diagonally back (aiming for 8 on a clock) for 20 reps. Return to starting position, and repeat same series of moves on opposite side.

Trainer tip: Be sure to lock your pelvis into a stable position before moving your leg.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast (Part1)

How to Get Slim All Over Superfast


Y-squat calf raise

From Health magazine
(works quadriceps, butt, back, abs, calves)

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Reach your arms up toward the ceiling, forming a Y. Keeping arms raised and chest lifted, lower into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor (shown at left). Raise yourself up quickly, coming up onto the balls of your feet, then immediately lower into another squat. Do 20 reps. Then do 1 minute of jumping jacks.

Trainer tip: While lowering into the squat, push your hips back as if sitting in a chair.


Push-Up Side Plank

(works chest, back, abs, arms)

A. Get in low push-up position with hands under your chest and a little wider than shoulder-width apart (inset). Keeping your body straight and core tight, press up, extending your arms (don’t lock your elbows).

B. Transfer your weight onto your left hand, lifting your right arm toward the ceiling (shown below). Lower down, and repeat on the opposite side; that’s 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Then do 1 minute of side-to-side leaps.

Trainer tip: When going into a side plank, stack your shoulders one on top of the other.


Superman Banana

(works back, abs, butt)

A. Lie on your stomach with arms straight out in front of you and legs extended behind you; both should be shoulder-width apart. Lift your legs and arms simultaneously at least 6 inches off the floor; hold for 5 seconds (shown above).

B. Roll onto your back, keeping arms and legs lifted; hold 5 seconds (shown below). Then roll onto your stomach and repeat, rolling in the opposite direction. Continue 1 minute. Then do 1 minute of side-to-side leaps.

Trainer tip: Keep your neck relaxed and lower back on the floor as you roll.