Tuesday 24 December 2013

Maria Menounos's 5 Favorite Weight-Loss Tips

Maria Menounos's 5 Favorite Weight-Loss Tips



  1. Start with breakfast: You've heard it before, and it's true — what you eat in the morning can make or break your day. Maria blends up a quick, filling, and nutritious breakfast using trainer Harley Pasternak's Breakfast Smoothie Recipie. "I've been doing it for a year," she says. "It's got all the protein I need, and it's yummy."
  2. Just move: "'Always be moving' is my mantra," Maria says. "It works." Although she tries to make time for the gym, Maria says the most important way to burn calories, especially if you're busy, is to rack up those steps. Maria aims for 10,000 steps a day to ensure she stays on the right track.
  3. Drink hot water: Get ready for Maria's favourite weight-loss trick — keep a mug of hot water handy. "Hot water is like magic. It fills you up: it also is detoxifying, de-stressing, and helps digest the food in your stomach," she says. "You'll find yourself eating a little less if you're drinking hot water." Although Maria also recommends drinking tea or adding lemon to your mug, she opts for plain hot water since it's more convenient, especially if you are using an office kitchen.
  4. Stock the good, drop the bad: Self-professed salad addict Maria always makes sure she keeps leafy greens stocked in her fridge, along with Greek yogurt. To ensure she actually opts for the healthy items she's stocked, she makes sure to keep anything unhealthy out of her house. "I think that makes a big difference, because if it's there, I will eat it," she explains. "If it's not there, I'm too lazy to go get it."
  5. Don't eat late: Even with her busy schedule, Maria tries not to eat past 8 p.m. every night. But that doesn't mean she advocates going to bed starving. "If it's too late, and I'm really hungry, I'll have a Greek yogurt or something simple like that," she says. "That way I don't have a big meal that I have to digest during the night."

Tuesday 17 December 2013

How to Become an Exercise Addict

How to Become an Exercise Addict



Give it six weeks

There's an urban legend that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit, but there's little evidence to back up this claim. For exercise, it's probably more like six weeks, says Rebecca Woll, manager of personal training at Equinox in New York City. "This is when you start to see aesthetic changes in your body," she explains. "Once you see these changes you won't want to go back to the old you!" This is also about the time you'll start to notice the difference in how you feel if you miss a day or two of exercise, and you'll start to appreciate the natural high that comes after a good workout.


Find your niche

So you tried spinning and you hated it, or you hurt yourself on your first day of CrossFit. That doesn't mean that all forms of fitness aren't for you—so get back out there and try a different one. "Find something that makes you tune out and gives you a release from your daily grind," says Woll—whether that means focusing on the ground ahead of you on a trail run, or following the instructor in a Zumba class. "You'll know you found it when you look at the clock and an hour flashes by without you noticing." Holland agrees: "I always tell my clients, 'I don't exercise,'" he says. "I'll go for a run or go to the gym, but I don't think of it as exercise because that suddenly gives it a negative connotation."


Hire a trainer

Whether you're a total newcomer to the fitness scene or you just need a little motivation and guidance, a personal trainer can help you set goals and develop a plan to make them happen. "People think they can't afford it, but they don't realise that even just one or two sessions with a trainer can be so beneficial," says Holland. "Investing just one or two hundred bucks can go a long way." Plus, a good trainer will also hold you accountable and will motivate you to work your hardest, Holland adds. "It's all about positive reinforcement and being there for the client when they need it."


Join a club

Working out is more fun with friends—and it's a lot harder to bail on when you've got other people relying on you. "I think that's why groups like CrossFit and Weight Watchers are so successful," says Holland. "It shows the value of the support system, which should be an integral part of any workout plan." Your exercise club could be an entire gym full of people, a regular fitness class where everyone knows your name, or just one exercise buddy who makes sure you're out of bed to meet her for your morning walks. Feeling ambitious? Start a fitness or weight-loss contest with your friends or coworkers, suggests Woll. "A little healthy competition always gets you motivated!"



Sunday 8 December 2013

How To Boost Metabolism

How To Boost Metabolism

Most of the diet programs that claim to help you get rid of excess weight, end up making it harder for you in the long run because they use harsh metabolism-decreasing diets and not enough exercise (almost never any weight training).

It may take a little longer if you have really messed things up with severe starvation dieting in the past, especially if you’ve lost a lot of lean body mass, but it is never hopeless. Anyone can increase their metabolism.

Most people get an almost immediate boost in metabolic rate on the Burn The Fat program, however, the results are not going to be “overnight.” Give it a little time…

Within 3 weeks your metabolism will already be more efficient. Within 6-8 weeks, it’s burning hot. Give me 12 weeks of consistent diligent effort, sticking with all the metabolism boosting strategies, and your metabolism really will become like a turbo charged engine, and I’m not exaggerating when I say that.

Whats most important for upping your metabolism is CONSISTENCY in applying the Burn The Fat nutrition and training principles every single day. That includes the meal frequency and timing and consistent workouts including both cardio and weight training.

The weight training is extremely important in cases of “metabolic damage” because this is the stimulus to keep the muscle you have and begin rebuilding new muscle tissue, which is the engine that drives your metabolism.

The men don’t usually have a problem with the weight training, but I still hear women say they don’t want to lift weights as part of their fat loss programs. Well, people who wont lift weights can expect a very, very long “repair process” if they achieve it at all.
Consistency is the key.

Nothing will undermine the “re-building” of your metabolism like inconsistency. If you stop and start, or skip meals and workouts often, you will not even get off the ground.

After your metabolism is back up where it should be, it takes continued “stoking” of the metabolic furnace to keep it there. Once you get your metabolic engine running, you’ve got to keep feeding it fuel or the fire will die down.

Your goal is to get your metabolism burning hot and keep it burning and this cannot be achieved by missing meals, missing workouts or with sporadic, infrequent training.
