Saturday 25 January 2014

How to Burn Fat And Build Lean Muscle At The Same Time

 How to Burn Fat And Build Lean Muscle At The Same Time

One thing I can assume, is that everyone reading this article is either looking to lose fat or build muscle, that is a given. However, this is 2014, people want results as fast as possible, and most men and some women want to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously.

That is the fastest way to get your ideal body right? Well for some people using this type of mindset is what is slowing their progress to a halt. For very experienced trainees (2 years+) it can be hard or seemingly impossible to accomplish this.

Burn fat or build lean muscle?

The problem with trying to accomplish both these goals at the same time is to dependably gain WEIGHT, be it muscle, or body fat you need to be in a calorie surplus. A calorie surplus is when you are taking in more calories per day then your body is burning. Now on paper that means you will weigh more and hopefully some will be muscle but you will also likely gain FAT.

Alternatively, to lose WEIGHT whether it is body fat or muscle (which is to be avoided at all costs) you need to be in a calorie deficit.  Now a calorie deficit is when your body is taking in less calories than burn in a day , so your body has to use existing ” energy stores” as fuel, whether that be fat  stores or breaking down muscle.

How to burn fat and build lean muscle at the same time

That is the bad news, but there is light at the end of the tunnel for a lot of you, there are timing strategies and techniques you can use to burn fat, while you build muscle.  Remember there is no way for them to be as consistent as doing each goal separately from a physiological standpoint but they are effective and used by many people with great success including myself and people I have personally trained.

Another thing for you to consider is you new people to the fitness world are the ones who will have the best consistency with both goals simultaneously. Being  relatively new  you will get results a lot faster than someone who has been training 2+ years, you will likely constantly be improving your arm, chest and shoulder size while dropping your waist size.

Nevertheless, back to the basics, here are some helpful tips and techniques you can use to make progress at losing fat while building muscle.

Use nutrient timing effectively
Immediately after your workout drink a fast absorbing protein such as a whey protein shake. Then about 30 minutes to an hour after training consume a large balanced meal mainly consisting of protein (Chicken, Fish, Beef, and Eggs) and Carbs (Pasta, Whole Wheat Bread, Brown Rice, etc.)

Do your cardio immediately upon waking before breakfast
Studies have shown this is the biggest opportunity for your body to tap into fat stores instead of using eaten carbohydrates later during the day.  This will also put your body into more of a fat loss state for the rest of day until your workout.

Avoid empty calories
This is especially important when trying to build muscle while losing fat. You need to make every calorie count and a large coke will not benefit you in any way towards your goal of building muscle although it is 200-400 calories.

Train hard and constantly progress your workouts
This will be one of the biggest determining factors in whether you actually build the muscle or not, you will need to expose your body to a lot of stress consistently  through weight training to make your body need to constantly adapt and  actually build the  muscle.

Consume at least your body weight in protein everyday
A 180-pound man should be consuming at least 180 grams of protein daily to gain muscle. Most body builders consume 1.5 times their bodyweight in protein.

Consume more calories (Mostly from Protein and Carbs) on days you workout.
On training days your body will be likely to use consumed protein to build muscle and needs more carbs for energy and recovery. I am not saying eat like a pig on training days but at least consume a large carb and protein filled meal 2-3 hours pre -workout and around an hour after your workout.

If you follow those strategies everyday and really focus on the training and nutrition, you will be very likely to build muscle and lose fat, especially if you are a beginner.  It may not be as fast as focusing on weight loss only or “bulking up” and gaining fat and muscle, but it can effectively give you a balance between the two.

It is also important you realise how much a few pounds of muscle really is, to get an idea go to a supermarket and look at 2 lbs of lean beef.  Even competitive body builders would be thrilled to gain 10 pounds of muscle every year; building muscle is just a long process in general. However, once you do put on a good amount of muscle it will be there for years and years.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Moves for a Stronger Core and Better Posture

Moves for a Stronger Core and Better Posture



In this workout stretches are coupled with core-centric moves to help improve posture, range of motion, strength and flexibility -- all in one single session. Do each core move followed by its complementary stretch move back-to-back for the recommended number of reps, performing 3 sets in total of both before moving on to the next pair. You won’t need any equipment for these moves unless you are working on a hard surface, and in that case, a mat may be more comfortable. Try this routine up to 5 days a week for a stronger, more flexible body.


CORE MOVE : Swimming

This pilates exercise targets the back, glutes and shoulders to help improve your posture and range of motion. To do it, lie face down with your arms and legs opened into an “X” shape on the floor. Then, extend your spine and lift your chest, thighs and arms off floor. Your eyes should be gazing down and your neck in line with your spine. Lift your left arm and right leg slightly higher and then quickly switch sides. That’s one rep. Do 20 reps as quickly as possible, trying to keep your torso steady as your arms and legs flutter.


This yoga-inspired pose opens up the front of your body muscles that can get tight from sitting at a desk all day. To do it, lie face down with your knees bent and slightly wider than hip-width apart. Reach your arms back to grab your ankles. Then, extend your spine and lift your thighs and chest off the floor, lifting your body as high as possible. Try to bring your head in line with your heels. Hold for up to 30 seconds.

Monday 13 January 2014

Fat Loss: Solved

4 Common Mistakes Preventing You from Losing Weight -- and How to Fix Them.


Problem 1: Your Workout is Just Too Long, Slow Cardio

The path to a leaner body isn't a long, slow march -- or bike or stair-climb, for that matter.
"People stick with (slow cardio) because they're told it's the 'fat-burning zone'," says Shawn Arent, associate professor of exercise science at Rutgers University. But what that doesn't tell you, he says, is that while cardio burns more fat as a percentage of total calories burned, it burns far fewer calories than more intense exercise, meaning you burn less fat overall.

"Slow cardio burns very few calories," says certified strength and conditioning specialist Craig Ballantyne, owner of and author of the book "Turbulence Training." And unlike other forms of exercise, which keep burning calories after your workout, inefficient cardio sessions stop chipping away at fat as soon as you step off the machine.
The solution: Do a mix of strength training and interval cardio for efficient burning during your workout and after.

"The best thing to do is metabolic resistance training, where you do supersets and circuits of intense, total-body exercises, with incomplete recovery so you get a lot of work done in a short amount of time," Ballantyne says. In workouts such as these, you move to the next exercise while you're still somewhat breathless from the previous one, mixing cardio work into a strength workout that builds muscle -- muscle that feeds on calories and fat to grow even after the workout ends.

For a similar effect on a cardio machine, Arent says, alternate short bursts of intense cardio effort with slower intervals of recovery time. You'll burn at a higher rate during the intense periods, and will continue to burn at that rate as your body recovers -- in the same way that your heart keeps racing while you're bent over after a sprint.

To perform a simple cardio interval workout, warm up for five minutes using the cardio method of your choice. Then perform 30 seconds of intense work -- about an eight out of 10 effort. After 30 seconds, perform a slower, recovery period at four out of 10 for 30 to 45 seconds. Continue alternating between these intervals for about 20 minutes. Over time, try to make your intense intervals more intense, and perform more rounds.

Problem 2: No Planning, No Tracking

Shedding fat is tricky enough, but many dieters only have a vague idea of how much they're eating.
"Too many people lie to themselves about how compliant they are with their nutrition," Ballantyne says. They're good most of the day, she says, but there's a handful of this snack that's off-plan, or a bite of chocolate that's non compliant. These bites are forgotten because nothing's recorded. "Then they struggle and can't figure out why they can't overcome a plateau."

The same problem arises in the gym, Arent says."You wouldn't set off driving to California without a map. You'd get lost," he says. But many gym-goers walk in without a plan, doing whatever tickles their fancy -- and not tracking how their session progresses.
The solution: Keep a food journal and a workout journal, and follow a specific workout plan.

When you go to the gym, "have a game plan, period," Tumminello says. "Whether it's certain body parts you're going to work or a circuit or something, have some sort of plan you can go in and execute instead of guessing."

When you're doing the workout, track how much you've done so you can progress -- increasing reps, weights and time so you'll actually build muscle and improve. And do the same with your eating.
"Research shows that people who use a food journal get better results than those who don't," Ballantyne says. 

You'll be able to identify the times you cheat so you can avoid temptation. For bonus points, take photos of everything you eat and post them online.
"Create a blog or journal on a weight loss forum and post your meals there," she says. "You'll be less tempted to cheat when it means lying to the world."

Problem 3: Working Out, Then Pigging Out

If you did your workout, you can have the large fries, right? Not if fat loss is your goal, Arent says.
"That's true if you're looking at weight maintenance," he says. But if you're trying to lose weight or fat, "eating extra cancels out the effect [of the workout]."

The solution: Try to make a dent in your calories with both diet and exercise.Losing a pound requires cutting 3,500 calories from your diet or burning the same amount. By reducing your calories by 500 each day, you'll lose a pound each week.

"You can figure out how to make that dent in your energy intake between exercise and diet," Arent says. Leave a few bites of food on your plate at each meal to reduce your intake by 250 calories and do 250 calories of exercise -- the equivalent of a 2.5-mile run. And don't overdo it when the workout's done.

"There's some evidence that people are hungrier after they work out, he says. "Does this negate the effects of exercise? Only if you let it."

Problem 4: Not Eating After a Workout

"If you're not eating after your workout, it's harder to build lean muscle that helps you burn fat," Arent says. Exercise breaks down muscle and uses up its fuel; if you don't refuel your body soon after, it breaks down other muscle fibers to refill the tank, undoing some of the workout benefits.

The solution: Eat a mix of protein and simple sugar after your workout.The best time to consume simple sugars -- like those found in Kool-Aid and fruit, and opposed to complex carbohydrates -- is right after you've worked out, Arent says. Your muscles have used up their stored carbohydrate energy and can quickly use this simple sugar to refuel.

Protein will help your muscles grow, which will lead to further fat-burning. This mixture will also help your body recover from the workout faster, Arent says, so you'll be less sore and can work out more frequently, increasing your results.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Flat Belly, Fast: Certain Ways to Debloat Today

 Flat Belly, Fast: Certain Ways to Debloat Today

Flat Belly, Fast: 15 Ways to Debloat Today

Slimming down takes time and dedication, but a few quick tricks can help you feel a little bit lighter in just one day. Read on to get our tips on how to feel less bloated and puffy — and have a flatter belly — by the end of this Winter day!

Morning: Drink Hot Water and Lemon

Morning: Drink Hot Water and Lemon
A mug of hot lemon water in the morning wakes up your digestive system and helps get things moving. You can drink green tea with lemon if you don't like the taste of warm lemon water on its own.

 Morning: Go Dairy Free

Morning: Go Dairy Free
Many people feel belly discomfort after eating dairy. If that's you, leave out the cream and yogurt from your morning breakfast.

Morning: Detox With Yoga

Morning: Detox With Yoga
Yoga twists help rid your body of toxins by helping your digestion.