Wednesday 31 July 2013

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs! (Day 5)

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs!


This move targets the rectus abdominis and the obliques.

  • Lie flat on the floor
  • Press you lower back into the ground.
  • Place your hands lightly behind your head.
  • Bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulders off the floor (most of the lifting should come from your shoulders not your neck)
  • Bring one knee up to a 45-degree angle, keep the other leg straight and slowly perform a bicycle pedal motion with your legs.
  • Simultaneously, touch your left elbow to your right knee, and your right elbow to your left knee.
  • Continue alternating sides in a ‘pedaling’ motion.
boxing for a flat belly 


The exercise targets the hip flexors, obiques and other muscles which are recruited to aid stabilisation as you move through this exercise.

  • Start from plank position as though you are going to do a push up
  • Walk your feet towards your hands in little steps
  • At the point which you have to start bending your knees, start walking your hands (instead of your feet) forward in little steps until you have returned to the plank position.
  • Repeat for the exercise for 1 minute.
  • Posture: Keep your head in alignment with your back.
  • Important: Do this exercise slowly, as it is the controlled movement which engages your core.

Other exercises targeting the abs:

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs! (Day 4)

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs!


Now that you’ve tackled the belly fat, you can start thinking about building those abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles consist of three layers. The deepest layer is made up of the transversus abdominis muscle, which acts as a girdle or corset, pulling you in and providing support and stability. Next up lies the rectus abdominis (i.e. the “six-pack” muscle), which flexes the spine. Most superficial are the internal and external oblique muscles, which turn the trunk. Your goal is to target all these muscles. The transversus abdominis may not sound like much to you, but in truth it is one of the most important muscles to target, as unlike the others is actually pulls you in. In other words, it makes you thinner. 

The abdominal exercises below should be performed two to three times weekly (beginners can start with two). Perform 1-3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. After each set rest for 30 to 60 seconds. Fat loss is visible pretty quickly; building muscle is a slower process. Expect visible results in approximately 4 weeks.
Targets the transversus abdominis muscle.
  • Get down on all fours.
  • Let your belly hang down as you take a deep breath.
  • Breath out. At the end of exhalation, gently draw your bellybutton inward and upward toward your spine. You should feel it tightening around your waist, as though you were trying to squeeze through a partially closed door.
  • Hold for 10 seconds, rest for 10 seconds.
  • Work up to 10 repetitions.
  • During each movement, your spine position should not change. Also, don’t hold your breath, breathe freely.
  • You can also do variations of this exercise sitting or standing – any place, anywhere.
lose belly fat mindset 


This move targets the rectus abdominis.
  • Lie on your back
  • Place your hands lightly behind your neck Pull your knees in and keep your feet flat on the floor
  • Gently lift your head and shoulders no more than 30 degrees above the ground Hold for three seconds
  • Slowly and controlled return your shoulders to the resting position.   

Monday 29 July 2013

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs! (Day 3)

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs!


Scientists believe that refined carbohydrates may increase belly fat. Therefore, throw out the refined carbohydrates and replace them with whole grains. Stock up on natural, fiber-rich carbs such as fruits, vegetables and legumes. These foods are low in calories, high in nutrients and full of fiber, which makes you feel full.

exercise to lose belly fat


You could choose to lose belly fat through diet alone. However, research shows that cardiovascular exercise targets belly fat, particularly the dangerous, deep kind of belly fat (visceral fat) that causes health problems. Furthermore, exercise can help reduce the loss of muscle mass that occurs during dieting. A combination of exercise and diet will also increase the amount of weight loss and you’ll blast belly fat faster.

  • Choose a cardiovascular activity you enjoy, whether it is running, biking, rowing, swimming or stair-climbing .
  • Exercise 4-6 times per week for 30 to 60 minutes at moderate to high intensity.
  • If you been sedentary start slowly and build up
  • If you have been active for a while, why not try High Intensity Interval training This is a proven weight loss method and will help you blast belly fat in no time. HIIT not only blasts fat in a workout that generally only lasts 20 minutes, it also tends to spare muscle mass.

Yes, it’s easier said than done, but stress may cause belly fat. Stress causes elevated levels of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol promotes increased deposition of deep belly fat. Cortisol also increases our appetite for sugar and fat laden foods. Therefore, stress makes blasting belly fat and general weight loss more difficult. Apart from taking time out, reading a good book or just relaxing, effective activities to reduce stress for those who struggle to unwind are Yoga and Tai Chi.
Smoking and alcohol increase cortisol levels, so if you’re serious about blasting that belly fat, you know what to do…

 weight workout for abs

Sunday 28 July 2013

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs! (Day 2)

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs!


You want great abs, but to get there you first need to lose belly fat through a calorie controlled diet. First find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight using this calorie calculator then subtract that amount by at least 500 calories. However, women should not go below 1200 and men 1800 calories per day. Anything more than this and you risk failing in your diet, losing muscle along with belly fat or your body switching into starvation mode. Basically, you’re aiming for moderate calorie restriction. If you want to create a greater calorie deficit to blast weight fast, then you have to do it via exercise.

Protein to lose belly fat


Incorporate plenty of protein in your diet. Protein is very satiating – after eating relatively little you feel full. Eating plenty of protein with every meal makes it is easier to stick to a low-calorie diet, because though you are eating fewer calories you don’t feel hungry. It’s basically the whole premise of the Atkin’s diet. Lean protein foods are low in calories. Protein feeds your muscles and maximises your muscle gains. Basically, protein will help you blast fat and gain muscle. Perfect!


Fat helps you feel full after eating a meal, plus it tastes good. Therefore, don’t cut them out entirely, as getting sufficient fat in your diet will help you adhere to your diet ban trans fat and swap saturated fats for unsaturated fats. Research shows that monounsaturated fats (MUFA) will help you blast belly fat. Therefore, include oily fish, olive oil, peanut butter, nuts and avocados in your diet. However, remember that they are still high in calories and to treat these foods like any other fats. MUFA rich foods are healthy and will help you blast belly fat, but only in moderation.

How to lose stomach fat

Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs! (Day 1)

 Blast Belly Fat – How to Get Abs!
 blast belly fat

Women want a flat, toned midsection, men six-pack abs. Despite these aspirations, most of us are heading in the wrong direction and gaining more and more belly fat, year upon year. You might be overweight or might be lean and have too much belly fat. Irrespective of your BMI, there are many health risks associated with belly fat. You can’t sleep as well as you used to, your lower back aches and exercise causes your knees hurt. Worse than that, belly fat releases biologically active substances that cause metabolic dysfunction such as diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and more.

Your belly fat might just be killing you slowly. But lets be honest, despite all the health risks, losing belly fat is also about looking good. Unlike other problem areas, a large belly projects out and is instantly noticeable no matter what you wear. Too much belly fat screams look at me; look down here – look at my generous proportions. The good news is you can lose the belly fat.

The first rule of great abs is to blast the belly fat that is masking the abdominal muscles, which lie underneath. You could have the strongest, largest, toughest six pack in the history of mankind, but if they are covered by a layer of belly fat no one will ever know you got ‘em. Want to know you body fat percentage, use a body fat calculator.

Friday 26 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day12)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach


 how to lose belly fat

The above infographic summarizes everything you need to do to lose belly fat and what you should avoid doing, so not to hamper your weight loss efforts.

How to Lose Belly Fat

Excess belly fat is a common problem for both men and women. Unfortunately, it isn’t a problem that gets easier to manage as we get older. Indeed, after the age of 30 we start to lose muscle and, because we move less, gain fat. Thus, it becomes increasingly harder to lose belly fat. Simply follow the guide below:
How to lose belly fat healthily
1. Causes of Belly Fat
While constant overeating, i.e. consuming more calories that you burn, will lead to increases in body fat generally, and belly fat specifically, there are other reasons that can cause a big belly. Factors that can influence belly fat include gender, genetics, hormones, body shape, lifestyle and certain foods. An effective plan to lose belly fat must addresses the causes for why you are carrying more belly fat than you would like.
2.The best exercises to lose belly fat
Exercises targeting the belly are not enough to help you lose belly fat. You cannot target fat loss; you cannot lose fat from one specific area by thinking about it. It’s like saying you don’t want to drive to where you’re going you want to teleport there. It’s not going to happen. Sit-ups, crunches and core work are not going to miraculously blast belly fat. If it did, a lot less people, would have a belly.

Exercises like crunches do not target belly fat, they target belly muscle. They will make your muscles bigger, but that helps little if they are hiding beneath a layer of fat. However, once you’ve lost the belly fat, those exercises will pay off. But, the first step is to lose belly fat.
Cardiovascular exercise will help you create a greater calorie deficit and increase metabolism helping you lose belly fat. Research suggests that interval training is one of the most effective methods of burning belly fat.
3. Foods that can help you lose belly fat
Belly fat is stored energy. Accordingly, to lose belly fat you have to lose energy or, to put it more simply, you have to burn more calories (energy) than you eat. There is no way round it, try anything else and you’ll join the ranks of those who every year tries out the newest, craziest diet that promises everything and yield nothing. To lose belly fat you need to stick to a calorie controlled diet. However, there is much more you can do than simply reducing your calorie intake to lose belly fat.

There are certain foods that will help you lose belly fat, while other foods will actually increase belly fat. Foods that help burn belly fat are low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil, walnuts, and flax seeds. However, avoid refined grains, which increase belly fat, and choose whole grains instead. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables, preferably organic is ideal. Indeed, research shows that meditteranean is the best diet in aiding the loss of belly fat.
4. The six pack
Belly exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles for a toned, flat and defined tummy. This will help fight belly fat and also stops the muscle loss that occurs during weight loss. The first step to six pack abs or a toned tummy is losing belly fat. Therefore, your first area of effort must be on fat loss. However, to get the abs you’re after, once you’ve reduced your body fat percentage you then need to focus on MUSCLE. Building muscle. 
5. Weight loss to suit your body type
To lose belly fat as quickly as possible, to set the right targets, and to choose the right exercises and diet to lose belly fat fast you need to customize your weight loss program to suit your individual needs. Therefore, determine you body type to find out how easily you’ll lose belly fat, and how easy you’ll find it to build muscle. Having an understanding of your body type will help you determine the best macronutrient ratio to help you lose belly fat. For example, some endomorphs lose weight more easily on low-carb diets, while others do better with high-carb.

If you are a mesomorph you will be able to boast amazing ab definition. If you are an ectomorph, you should be relatively light, as you have a light frame and are lightly muscled. Ectomorphs should be able to lose belly fat relatively easily, but will have to put a lot of effort in gaining muscle mass and ab definition. Endomorphs will struggle the most to lose belly fat, and will have to work hard to achieve defined abs.

Thursday 25 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day11)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach


33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
This seemingly innocuous food group, which is rich in calcium, has been shown to help you lose belly fat. Research shows yogurt to be particularly effective in boosting fat loss generally and belly fat specifically, as well as helping maintain muscle mass which generally decreases during weight loss. While not fully understood it is thought that the calcium in dairy may slow down the body’s fat-making process. But before you rush out to buy some calcium supplements, research shows that people who eat 3 cups of yogurt a day lose a lot more belly fat than those who take calcium supplements. So there’s more going on than just calcium. For example, dairy products are not only rich in calcium, but also conjugated linoleic acid, otherwise known as CLA.
33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
A meditteranean diet has been shown by a plethora of studies to not just help keep belly fat off, but can actually help you lose weight, especially from the tummy area. Research also shows that it can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome and abdominal obesity. The reason the Mediterranean way of eating is thought to target stomach fat is that it is high in healthy fats known as MUFAs (Monounsaturated fats), which is found in foods such as olives, olive oil, avocados, and nuts and seeds.
33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
The scales don’t provide an accurate reflection of your progress. If you are exercising, you aren’t just losing weight – your body composition is changing. In other words, you’re losing fat and gaining muscle, which means there’s much more going on than the scales can show. Keep track of your progress using a tape measure to record your vital statistics (read how to take them here. Alternatively, get your body fat percentage measured professionally.

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 10)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach


33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
If you’ve got an event coming up you’re looking forward to such as a wedding or a beach holiday, make sure you take steps to reduce bloating. Avoid gassy foods such as legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peppers and spicy foods. Try  peppermint, chamomile or fennel tea to beat the bloat, as well as activated-charcoal caplets and probiotics.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Yes, carbohydrates matter, however we’re not talking low-carb or high-carb, we’re talking the type of carbs you’re eating. Research shows that the type of carbs you consume can have great bearing from where you lose weight. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that dieters who ate whole grains (e.g. dark bread, brown rice, popcorn, bulgur wheat) lost twice as much belly fat than those who consumed the same amount of calories, but ate refined grains (e.g. white bread, white pasta). It is thought that whole grains keep fat-storage hormone insulin lower, and lower insulin levels seem to shrink the size of fat cells in the belly.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Research (Framingham Nutrition Studies) shows that women who ate healthy, but consumed 360 calories more had less belly fat than women who ate less, but made poor food choices, eating foods high in bad fats and low in fibre.


Tuesday 23 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 9)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach


33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Eating a low carb, protein snack between your main meals helps stave off hunger and avoids blood sugar spikes. This is important because the lower you are able to keep you blood sugar, the lower the levels of the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone that encourages fat storage, particularly of the tummy area, so you want to do what you can to keep insulin levels low. A healthy snack will also help maintain steady energy levels and massively reduce the risk of junk food binges.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Because of the effects food has on our body, it doesn’t just matter how many calories you eat, but what you eat. The hormone that acts in opposition to insulin is called glucagon. Where you want to keep insulin as low as possible, due to its fat-storage effects, you want to keep glucagon levels high, because it mobilizes fat from storage. Whenever you eat a high sugar food or refined carbohydrates (e.g. white bread) your blood sugar spikes, causing insulin to spike and glucagon to be low. Therefore, you want to eat as little sugar as possible.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
This is important if you want a flat tummy. Chewing your food thoroughly is an incredibly easy and effective way to avoid bloating. You should be chewing your food until you can no longer identify what you’re eating by its texture. Chewing tells the rest of your digestive system (stomach & intestines) to start the digestive process. Chewing thoroughly also breaks down the food into finer particles and means that it can be broken down and absorbed better in your gut. If you don’t chew sufficiently, the food isn’t fine enough to be digested, meaning the food remains only partially digested. The undigested food is pounced on by the “bad” bacteria in the colon, which can lead to bacterial overgrowth, flatulence and other symptoms of indigestion.

Monday 22 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 8)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
This tip won’t actually help you burn belly fat, but it will go a long way in making your belly smaller. Slouching will make your belly bigger or give you a belly, even if you have little belly fat. Good posture  is slimming as it pulls you in. Your ears should be aligned over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hips, your hips over your knees, and your knees over your ankles. Your shoulders should be open and your belly button pulled into your spine. 

drink water for flat abs
Water may contain zero calories, but it’s power extends well beyond simply being a low- (or no-) calorie beverage. Studies show that water can actually help you lose weight. Research shows that drinking just 2 8-ounce glasses of water before meals can help you lose weight, because you eat up to 90 fewer calories. But more than helping you lose weight, drinking water can help you lose belly fat. Why? Dehydration may raise cortisol levels, which inhibits your efforts to lose belly fat. So, stay well hydrated!

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
If you’re serious about losing belly fat, you’ll need to watch your alcohol intake. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that people who drink alcohol, but don’t binge drink, have less belly fat than people who drink occasionally, but heavily (i.e. binge drinkers). Large volumes of alcohol are thought to elevate cortisol, which increases belly fat. In other words, don’t save up for a big night out. Studies also suggest that light to moderate wine drinking (i.e. one glass of wine) can help protect against belly fat.


Sunday 21 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 7)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach



33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Ab exercises wont help you lose belly fat as such, but it will help build a strong core and give you amazing abs once you’re torched the belly fat with cardio and diet. Research shows that the bicycle crunch, captain’s chair, ab crunch on stability ball, vertical leg leg crunch, long arm crunch and the plank, rank in the top 10 exercises to build ab muscles.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
The stability ball, also known as a Swiss ball and exercise ball, is one of the best tools to build ab muscles, and probably also one of the cheapest. Just sitting on the ball engages the muscles of the core muscles (abs, obliques and back). Research in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that doing crunches on a stability ball for example, engages the ab muscle far more than traditional crunches on the floor/ mat.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
It’s great that you’re working on your ab muscles. However, don’t forget your back muscles. You need remember to target your back to counter balance the mostly forward bending ab exercises. Both the back and abdominal muscles provide postural support. Therefore, do a few back strengthening exercises to help to prevent back pain, and promote even muscular development from front to back. Strengthening your back and ab muscles will help:
  1. Decrease the likelihood of back pain
  2. Reduce the severity of back pain          
  3. Protect against injury

Saturday 20 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 6)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach



33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
I know this is perhaps the hardest one if you’re a smoker, but nicotine will impede fat loss from the belly area. So, if you’re serious about getting flat abs, and the other health incentives of smoking cessation haven’t given you enough impetus to stop, perhaps knowing that smokers tend to have more belly fat than non-smokers will help.

17. AGE
33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Okay, so there is nothing you can really do to turn back the clock, but there are some things that happen with age that aren’t inevitable. For example, as you get older, muscle mass tends to decrease and body fat increases (in physically inactive people this starts after the age of 30), but this is mostly due to sitting more and moving less. A full body resistance programme will help prevent the loss of muscle. Remember, muscle helps increase metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories making it easier to lose weight or maintain a health weight. Furthermore, muscle is a sign of youth and is vital in making the body shapely and firm.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Do your resistance training first, followed by your cardio workout. Japanese research shows that doing cardiovascular exercises after resistance training burns significantly more fat than completing cardio first. The study also found that fat burning was greatest during the fist 15 minutes of the cardio workout done after resistance exercise. In other words, if you’re doing resistance training, try to fit in another 15 minutes of cardio, to boost fat burning.

Friday 19 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 5)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach

13. SLEEP…
33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
To lose belly fat get plenty of quality sleep. Sleep deprivation is stresses the body and can raise fat-storage hormone cortisol. Research by Columbia University showed that women who only get 5 hours sleep are almost twice as likely to be obese than women who get 7 hours sleep. The hormones  (leptin and ghrelin) that control hunger are also thought to play a role, as insufficient sleep increases appetite, while reducing the feeling a satiety.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Cortisol levels are elevated after exercise. To keep cortisol as low as possible and maximize recovery after workouts consume a meal or drink immediately after your workout that consists of a combination of protein and carbohydrate.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Pilates may not be the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about shrinking your belly, but it does and it will. Research shows that Pilates will significantly improve posture. Poor posture will give you a bigger belly than you have and give you a pooch even if you hardly have any belly fat. So, if this describes you, consider taking some Pilates classes or follow a Pilates DVD. 

Thursday 18 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 4)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach


33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a ripped stomach
Do not over-exercise. Yes, you can exercise too much. Over training stresses the body and is more common in weight training. After about 45 to 60 minutes of weight training cortisol levels rise dramatically. Weight training sessions should be intense, but brief. To avoid over-training you should match the intensity and length or your weight training sessions to your ability to recover. Some people are able to recover much faster from exercise than others. For example, mesomorphs tend to recover rather quickly from their workouts, while ectomorphs require a much longer period of recovery.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Avoid crash diets/ very low calorie diet especially for extended periods, as it stresses the body and increases cortisol. Very low calorie diets can also trigger the body’s starvation response, which slows down metabolism and causes the body to hold onto fat reserves more tightly.

12. RELAX!
33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Research by Yale University shows that women with the biggest bellies also suffered with the most amount of stress; which is thought to be due to chronically elevated levels of fat-storage hormone cortisol. Adopt stress reduction techniques to reduce negative emotions, which increase cortisol, such as anger, anxiety, fear and stress. Also, learn how to nip stress in the bud. Stress is okay; most of us thrive on it, but only for a very short time. Drawn out, continuous stress is different, damaging and unhealthy.


Wednesday 17 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 3)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Research by Duke University showed that women who don’t exercise gained a whopping 12% deep belly fat over just 8 months. In other words, you’re not just exercising to lose belly fat you have to exercise to prevent GAINING belly fat.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Boxing is a great exercise to work your core and build those abs. In order to throw a punch and twist your torso, you have to engage your core muscles, working your ab muscles. Boxing also makes for a great cardio workout.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Don’t do as little exercise as possible and think that any exercise is better than no exercise. While that is true (within reason) to improve health, you do need to exercise sufficiently to burn fat. A study by Duke University found that people who ran 12 miles a week did enough to keep belly fat off, but not enough to lose belly fat. However, those who ran 20 miles a week lost belly fat. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, most days of the week.





Tuesday 16 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 2)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Seriously, the tortoise got it wrong! Slow and steady doesn’t win the race. Forget the “fat-burning zone”, which is basically exercising at moderately low intensity. Research shows that exercising at high intensity burns a lot more calories, because it can boost metabolism for up to 2 days after your workout! And it also burns more belly fat. An Australian study showed that women who did 20 minutes of interval training three times a week lost more belly fat than women who exercised at moderate intensity for 40 minutes three times a week. Because this workout is high intensity, you should do it no more than 2 – 3 times per week, on non-consecutive days.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
According to research the more weight-bearing the exercise, the more fat you burn from your tummy area. Weight bearing exercises is any type of exercise you do on your feet and legs and that works your muscles and bones against gravity. Not only does it burn more belly fat, but is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones. Examples of weight bearing exercises are walking, running using the elliptical trainer, dancing and basketball, to just name a very few. Non-weight bearing exercises are swimming and bicycling.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
There are 3 body types
  1. Ectomorphs who are naturally skinny with a fast metabolism, are lightly muscled and appear to have little body fat.
  2. Mesomorphs who have an athletic build, are well muscled and can lose weight easily.
  3. Endomorphs who have a sluggish metabolism, higher levels of body fat, gain weight easily and have to work harder than the other body types of lose weight.
It’s good to have an understanding of your body type as each body type responds differently to dieting and exercise. For example, endomorphs tend to do better on low-carb diets and have to work on losing weight without slowing their already slow metabolic rate. Also, knowing your body type will help you set realistic goals. For example, ectomorphs will struggle to boast the ripped abs of a mesomorph, because ectomorphs gain muscle with great difficulty. And while endomorphs can have a flat, toned stomach, it’ll be more difficult (i.e. require a lot more training and clean eating) for an endomorph to achieve 6-pack abs  than it would be for a mesomorph. Endomorphs with great abs are Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce and Russell Crowe. Read more about body types.

Monday 15 July 2013

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach (Day 1)

Awesome Tips to Lose Belly Fat Fast & Get a Flat Stomach

The tummy area consistently ranks among the top body parts that people most want to change. However, boasting a flat belly or defined abs need not remain in the realm of imaginings. You can lose weight, shed the belly fat and work on those abs. It’s just that, like everything else, there are hard and easy ways to set about losing belly fat. Although you cannot spot reduce, that is do exercises that specifically target belly fat, there are things that you can do to make it easier to lose fat from the belly area/ make your belly smaller and things you might be doing right now that are stopping you from losing belly fat.
Follow the tips below and you’ll be saying goodbye to your belly fat in no time at all!


 33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
 Cortisol is a fat-storage hormone that is released by the body in response to stress. Cortisol isn’t a “bad” hormone, like everything else it has a job to do. However, cortisol increases appetite, sugar cravings, causes general weight gain and increases belly fat in stressed individuals. You’ll also want to keep the hormone insulin low, as it also encourages fat storage, particularly in the tummy area. Read on to find out more.

33 Awesome tips to lose belly fat & get a flat stomach
Women who control their calorie intake and exercise lose more belly fat than women who only diet according to research from Wake Forest University. Remember that cutting calories slows down metabolism, while exercise boosts metabolism. They both help you lose weight, but only exercise will increase your metabolism in the process, helping you burn more belly fat.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Day-by-Day Workout Plan to Help You Slim Down (Day 6)

Day-by-Day Workout Plan to Help You Slim Down

Day 6

Favorite Cardio
Do any type of aerobic exercise that you enjoy—walking, running, cycling, swimming, elliptical machine, or Zumba—at a moderate intensity for at least 20 minutes. Active logo Increase your metabolism and tone up faster.


Music to Boost Your Exercise Routine

usic that matches your power, intensity and speed for any workout program can help you push yourself to your max. Research reveals that if you match the tempo of a song to your desired heart rate, or beats per minute (bpm), the song will help you maintain or pick up the pace. It's no wonder you see athletes listening to music before a big game or race. It gets their blood pumping, and adrenaline up.

Coaches, trainers and fitness enthusiasts from all around were asked what songs help get them through some of the most intensive workouts. Here are the top 50 songs, broken into playlists: Running, Walking, Cycling, Weight Lifting and Active Editors' Picks. Each playlist shows songs with wide-ranging bpms to help you get the most effective workout. Stay focused and build your endurance with the following tunes.

1. Going the Distance by Bill Conti
    - 91 bpm
2. Ruff Ryders Anthem by DMX
    - 91 bpm
3. Thriller by Michael Jackson
    - 118 bpm
4. Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash
    - 113 bpm
5. Tricky by Run DMC
    - 128 bpm 

Saturday 13 July 2013

Day-by-Day Workout Plan to Help You Slim Down (Day 5)

Day-by-Day Workout Plan to Help You Slim Down

Day 5

Total-Body Circuit
For all moves: Do 8 slow reps, then 16 fast ones. (For Moves 1 and 2, switch sides after each round.)

1. Lunge Cross Chop And Knee Lift

Hold a dumbbell overhead. Step right foot back into a lunge as you twist to left, lowering dumbbell. Return to start with right knee lifted. Immediately lower into next lunge.

2. Tap Lunge With Biceps Curl

Hold a dumbbell in right hand, arm extended at side. Lunge with right leg behind you and straight. Bend right elbow and raise dumbbell toward shoulder as you bring right leg in next to left foot. Extend right leg back and lower dumbbell. Skip the curl for the fast reps.

3. Chest Fly With Bridge

Lie face up, legs bent, feet flat. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms out to sides. Raise hips off floor so body forms a line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze chest to bring arms together. Slowly lower arms. Keep abs tight and hips lifted entire time.

4. Power Drill

Fast Feet: With feet wide, quickly jog, barely raising feet off ground as if doing a football drill.