Wednesday 27 November 2013

The 8 Best Fat-Blasters ( Day 3 )

The 8 Best Fat-Blasters



Burns 221 calories in 30 minutes

This may not be the biggest calorie-burner in the bunch, but it's still an excellent—and fun!—metabolism booster. (Just look at Kelly Osbourne, who jump-started her amazing 42-pound loss on Dancing with the Stars.) The key is to keep the tempo high, choosing songs with fast rhythms like Latin or Bollywood, and don't rest between songs. Try Braganza's favorite trick: Download a workout's worth of your favourite tunes. Begin with an upbeat inspirational song (think "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga), then move on to songs with increasingly faster tempos. Slow the beat toward the end to cool down.

Boost the burn: Use your arms! Raise them in the air and move them to the beat.


Walking Vigorously

Burns 170 calories in 30 minutes

That's right, walking actually made our list. Full disclosure, though: A leisurely stroll with a friend won’t cut it. You should be walking briskly enough that it's difficult to keep up a steady conversation. To get the most from your biggest calorie-burning muscles—legs, butt, and core—take short, quick steps, keep your torso upright, and pump your arms back and forth (not side to side) in time with your stride. With each step, land on your heel and roll through to your toes.

Boost the burn: Alternate two minutes of brisk strides with one minute of as-fast-as-you-can-go walking (or jogging)


Abs & Back: Knee Strike

Stand with knees slightly bent, feet in fighter’s stance (left foot forward). Raise both arms up and to left as if grabbing something.

Engage core muscles and pull hands down as you bend right knee and lift it up to meet them. Return to previous position, tapping right toes to the floor.

Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.,,20420506_7,00.html

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