Tuesday 24 June 2014

Is Sushi Fattening?


Sushi has become a popular food in America, as well as across the globe. However, sushi is fattening… it’s not the best source of nutrition when trying to lose weight and can be somewhat fattening.

Some of the more popular sushi dishes include California rolls, spicy tuna rolls and other variations on sushi.  The ingredients used in these dishes can add a lot of calories and fat, leading to unwanted pounds if eaten in excess.  In fact, you could be destroying your dieting efforts by tricking yourself into thinking that sushi is not fattening but a miracle diet food.

In a popular California roll there are about 250 calories and 10 grams of fat, if prepared the traditional way.  Some Japanese and quasi-Japanese restaurants add mayonnaise and other fatty spreads that are high in calories and fat.  This packs on the pounds if you continue to eat the rolls in excess.  It is wise to pay attention to how the roll is prepared before putting it into your mouth.  You may be consuming as much fat as a McDonald’s cheeseburger, all in the name of raw fish!

A shrimp tempura roll is another popular choice at most sushi bars. The shrimp tempura roll contains deep fried batter and lots of seasonings, making this one fattening roll.  In fact, there are just over 500 calories found in a traditionally made shrimp tempura roll along with 25 grams of fat and close to 70 grams of carbohydrates.  That is a lot of calories in one piece of sushi.

The healthiest way to eat sushi is to eliminate the rolls and hidden ingredients.  You should order pure sushi that has not been tainted by over-processing.  If you can find a Japanese sushi bar that prepares its fish fresh daily and avoids Americanizing the fish, then eat there!  Especially if you are trying to cut back on your calories and fat intake.

If you are trying to eliminate the fat and calories from your diet but don’t want to give up sushi, try selecting varieties that do not contain the word ‘tempura’.  Tempura means fried or deep fat fried – which is anything but healthy.  Also, stick to the fresh stuff and eliminate mayonnaise, sugar and other fatty sauces that may be high in calories and fat.

Portion size is another way to eliminate a lot of calories and fat from your diet.  If you are eating at a Japanese restaurant, only eat small portions of fish rather than three and four pieces of sushi at a time. You will save on calories and eliminate a lot of fat from your diet.

Keeping your sushi portions small and eating only until you are about 80% full is quite helpful.


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