Sunday 15 June 2014

Lose Weight for a Wedding


The big day is nearing and you still haven’t lost those holiday pounds.  Hope is in the horizon as we provide a quick guide on how to lose weight for a wedding.  You can look your best on the big day by simply making some adjustments to your hectic lifestyle.
Whether your wedding is a few months or weeks away, these helpful tips should get you well on your way to losing weight for the special event.  While nothing is fool-proof, a little consistency can help you achieve your results.

1. Eliminate the empty calories
One of the first steps to losing weight for your big day is to eliminate the foods and drinks that bring no value to your body.  This means cutting the soda, candy, chips and pastries.  Alcohol is also full of empty calories the body can do without.
2. Get in some cardio
Incorporating two to three days of cardiovascular training helps to burn calories and shed pounds.  As little as 30 minutes, three times a week can do wonders for the waistline if you stick to the plan.  Cardio training doesn’t mean hours on the treadmill, but could be a brisk walk, swimming laps or playing tennis.
3. Start strength training
Strength training builds muscle and muscle burns more calories at a much higher rate than fat.  The more muscle you possess the more fat and calories you can convert to energy in a day, even while at rest.  Lean red muscle can be your best friend.  When training, think high intensity over a prolonged period of time.  Two to three, 30-minute sessions of strength training is the perfect start to losing weight quickly.

4. Reduce the salt
Don’t want the guests thinking you are just starting your second trimester; then reduce the salt intake before the big day.  Cutting back on salt will help you feel and look less bloated.  Too much salt can cause you to retain water and add pounds to your stomach.

5. Up the water intake
Drinking cold water throughout the day can help you to avoid the bloat and eat less.  Portions may not be a problem if you drink a glass of water before each meal.  Don’t mistake hunger for thirst.  It is important to keep hydrated all day.

6. Don’t over-do it
Some of us can get over-zealous when it comes to setting weight loss goals.  Expecting immediate results may not be wise and can get discouraging at times.  If you are aiming to lose ten pounds before the big day, do so with consistency and determination.  Don’t work out eight hours a day for a weekend and expect the results to last.  Over-doing it will get you nowhere.

7. Lessen the portions
Portion control is one of the major components to losing weight effectively.  Before the wedding, watch what you eat and how much.  Small fist size portions are a general rule of thumb. Most vegetables are considered freebies and can be snacked on throughout the day without throwing your calorie and portion sizes off.  Learn to snack freely on spinach leaves, bell pepper and cucumbers instead of chips, candy and salted nuts.

8. Eat small meals regularly
Eating smaller meals of 250-300 calories each, five to six times a day will help you to speed up your metabolism and lose weight.  Rather than binging on one or two large meals each day, eat light and often.

9. Never skip breakfast
Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped.  When a person skips breakfast in the morning they are sending their body into starvation mode.  Starvation mode causes the body to conserve fat instead of burning it off.  To lose weight, eat a healthy breakfast each and every morning.

10. Avoid fast-food
This tip is fairly obvious, but should be enforced strictly.  Fast-food is high in sodium and saturated fats.  Even the lighter menus offer high sodium and high calorie foods that should be avoided.

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