Monday 27 May 2013

The Beach Body Workout (Part 3)

The Beach Body Workout


No. 7 V-up

Lie on your back with arms extended overhead, feet flexed, and heels resting on a wall (or calves on a bench); your legs should be at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Tuck your chin toward your chest, engage your abs, and bring your arms forward as you begin to curl up; try to touch your toes. Slowly uncurl to return to starting position. Do 12 reps.


No. 8 Triceps Dip

Sit on the edge of a bench or chair with your legs extended. Grip the edge with each hand so your fingers face your body. Move your butt forward and off the bench, allowing your knees to bend slightly. Bend your elbows to lower your butt toward the ground, then straighten them to come back up. Do 12 reps.


No. 9 Cobra Hold

Lie facedown on the ground with legs extended, arms by your sides, and palms facing up. Keeping your gaze forward and without using your hands or tightening any part of your lower body, slowly raise your chest and shoulders; rotate your thumbs up to bring your shoulder blades closer together. Hold for 60 seconds or as long as you can.


No. 10 Plank

Lie face down with legs extended and elbows bent and directly under shoulders; clasp your hands. Feet should be hip-width apart, and elbows should be shoulder-width apart.

Contract your abs, then tuck your toes to lift your body (forearms remain on the ground); you should be in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 60 seconds or as long as you can.

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