Saturday 17 August 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 6) 10-Minute Toners

28-Day Challenge (Day 6) 10-Minute Toners

 Week 3: 3-Point Knee Pushup

3-Point Knee Pushup

Targets: Chest, shoulders, arms, and core
Kneel on a rolled towel (to cushion knees) or mat. Walk hands forward into modified push-up position, with arms are directly under shoulders and body forming straight line from head to knees. Bending elbows, lower chest until upper arms are nearly parallel to floor and simultaneously lift right leg off the floor, squeezing glutes. Press back to starting position, straightening arms while lowering right knee back to mat. That’s 1 rep. Do the next rep with left leg raised. Continue alternating legs to complete the set.

Make it easier: Skip the leg raise and just do modified (knee) push-ups.
Challenge yourself: Do the move on your hands and toes instead of on your hands and knees.

 Week 3: Knee Tuck

Knee Tuck

Targets: Core, chest, and shoulders
Start in plank position, abs tight and shoulders over wrists. Pull left knee toward chest while rounding back slightly, pulling belly button to spine. Slowly press left leg back to start to complete 1 rep. Repeat on right side. Continue alternating knees for duration of set.

Make it easier: Do knee tucks using a chair instead on the floor: Place hands on either side of a chair seat and walk feet back until body forms straight line from head to heels. Perform the rest of the move as stated above, alternating and pulling knees toward chest.

Week 3 Power Move: Speed Skater

Power Move: Speed Skater

Targets: Legs, butt, and heart rate
Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides. Hop to left, landing on left foot while sweeping right foot diagonally behind left leg and swinging right arm across body and left arm behind back. Jump to right, switching legs and arms, to complete 1 rep. Continue hopping from side to side without pausing for duration of set.

Make it easier: Take out the hop and do a regular cross-behind lunge instead, alternating sides for each rep.

 (Golden Weight Loss Tips)

Stick To Your Diet: Exercising positively influences your eating habits. You'll stick to your diet better, if you do strength training; and ultimately burn more fat by raising your metabolism. Additionally, when you have completed your workout, you will burn calories for another 8 hours after you stop training.

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