Saturday 10 August 2013

The Pain is the Truth: A Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Get Ripped (Day 1)

The Pain is the Truth: A Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Get Ripped


Understand that easy workouts get you nowhere. I’ve had enough of the “fat-burning zone” nonsense. This theory states that if fat burning is to occur, exercise must be of low intensity and long duration.

This is because fats are the preferred fuels for less intense activities, while carbohydrates and other rapid sources of energy are used in demanding, intense physical ventures, such as power lifting and sprinting.

Usain Bolt

Sprinters are muscular while marathon runners look like they’ve just emerged from a hospital bed.The key, as research has shown time and again, is that it’s the amount of calories burned that dictates the positive changes in body composition, not the percentage of fat that’s being used during exercise. But it goes much further than this.

Have you ever compared the physiques of a sprinter and marathon runner? Sprinters are ripped, muscular studs that never train aerobically, while marathon runners look like they were just released from a hospital bed — even though they spend hours on end in their fat-burning zone.

Consider the sprinters. If you’ve ever bolted 100 yards as fast as you could, you know exactly how strenuous it is, and you know exactly how much muscle it takes. When I tell personal trainers that they should train their clients like this, it’s always met with something to the effect of, “Oh, good heavens… they’ll be out of their training zones, they’re going to burn muscle!”

If that was the case, why do the sprinters have that muscle on muscle look, while the average treadmill walker has skinny arms and a gut? It’s simple.
When you sprint, you use your muscles to such a powerful extent, they respond by growing bigger and stronger. Remember, your body adapts to everything.

So, what about getting rid of fat? Well, the large stress that’s placed on your muscles from sprinting, combined with the increased muscle mass, will speed up your metabolic rate like never before. The rate that you burn calories during sprinting is about three times greater than jogging.and – sprinting, not slow jogging is responsible for the release of fat burning hormones.

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