Sunday 11 August 2013

The Pain is the Truth: A Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Get Ripped (Day 2)

The Pain is the Truth: A Workout Plan to Burn Fat and Get Ripped

These workouts are not for the average Nautilus addict. You may struggle at first. The key is that you perform the correct number of sprints for the correct duration as listed.
You still need to make appropriate weekly progressions, however. For example, if on Monday of the first week you need three minutes between sprints, you still need to increase the sprint interval by five seconds and reduce the rest period by fifteen seconds each week.

In the evening workout you need to follow a weight-training program for fat loss. That means large muscle group exercises like squats, lunges, cable rows, and cable standing chest presses. You need to perform approximately 10-15 repetitions per exercise with about a minute rest between sets. Every exercise should be purposeful and intense, just like your sprint workouts.

You will burn calories at a high rate, forcing increases in your metabolism and stimulating the release of larger amounts of fat-burning hormones.The first thing you will do is determine the correct exercise intensity by calculating your target heart rate. To do that, figure out your age-predicted maximum heart rate (MHR). That’s easy – all you do is subtract your age from 220.From there, you can just take 85% of your max and you’ve found your target heart rate.

However, I’m going to show you a more accurate way to determine the necessary exercise intensity to bring about a total and complete Fat Meltdown.

It’s called the Karvonen formula. (look it up) Since you already know your maximum heart rate (220-age), all you need now is your resting heart rate (RHR). For that, you need to take your pulse on your wrist or neck while in a very relaxed state (preferably upon awakening) for 15 seconds.
Now multiply it by four and you’ve got your resting heart rate. (Most people are in the 60-80 beats per minute (bpm) range). Plug your numbers into this formula.
Target Heart Rate = (MHR-RHR) x (% of max) + RHR

The “percent of max” in this case is .85 as listed in the evening workout. You should determine everything else. Let’s do the math on a 25 year old (MHR=195; 220-25=195) with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm:
Target Heart Rate = (195-60) x .85+60
135 x .85 = 114.75 (round up to 115)
Target Heart Rate = 175 bpm

To lose fat, you need to take in fewer calories than you expend, but if you don’t give your body enough calories to maintain normal physiological function, it compensates by slowing all of its processes to maintain survival and you learn to store fat.

The same goes for your fat intake. Fat alone doesn’t make you fat. Too much of any macro-nutrient can make you fat. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they’re trying to get ripped, is cutting calories and fat way too much.

To truly get shredded, you first need to determine exactly how many calories a day you’ll need. You will need a lot of protein to recover – about one gram per pound of body weight. Multiply that number by four (since each gram of protein carries four calories), giving you the amount of daily calories made up by protein. That amount is going to make up 30% of your total calories.

All you do then is take your sum protein calories and divide by .30, and presto, there’s your total daily calories.

(My Weight Loss Tip Of The Day)
Lose weight by eating porridge for Breakfast; as porridge releases energy very slowly and will stop you taking snacks before Lunch. Porridge also keeps your blood sugar low, which can help to slow down the growth of fat cells.

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