Tuesday 20 August 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 8) Fastest Way To Slim Your Thighs

28-Day Challenge (Day 8) Fastest Way To Slim Your Thighs

 Week 4 Power Move: Plié Heel Click

Power Move: Plié Heel Click

Targets: Thighs and butt
Stand with feet a few feet apart and toes slightly turned out. Bend knees, lowering torso and keeping back straight. Then jump up and, while in air, straighten legs and click heels together. Land softly with feet a few feet apart and toes slightly turned out, then immediately lower into your next plié.

Make it easier: Omit the jump and do a regular plié squat.


Three favourite exercises—all rolled into one fat-blasting move...

Legs, meet your new exercise best friend: the pivoting squat and lunge with bicep curl.
"Every single woman asks me how to tone her lower body," says Prevention's fitness expert Chris Freytag. And while walking and jogging are great for cardiovascular fitness and burning fat, you need to strength train if you want to slim and sculpt muscle.


Leg Exercises: Exercises for Legs and Thigh Toning Workouts 

However, she finds that most clients dread doing the two most effective thigh and butt toning exercises: squats and lunges. "No one said they had to be boring," she explains. That's why she created this combo exercise that targets your leg muscles while adding an upper body challenge to keep you engaged and interested. "By holding onto the dumbbells throughout the exercise, you're adding more weight to your squats and lunges which adds and extra lower body challenge," Chris says. And if you pick up the pace, you'll burn even more calories.

tone your thighs

Add these 4 moves to your cardio and sensible eating plan 2 to 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days—aim to do each set 2 to 3 times, with 10 to 15 repetitions each—for toned thighs in no time.

Standing Gate Openers Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, arms by your sides. Engage your abs to stabilise your spine. Shift your weight to your left leg and lift your right knee up toward your chest. Maintaining this leg position, bring your right leg across your body, so your right knee crosses your left leg, making sure to keep the right knee up and level with the hips. Then move your right knee toward the right side of the room. Return to starting position.

Side Lunge: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your left leg straight and planted while stepping with your right leg to the right side, bending the right knee and pushing back the hips. Continue to lunge until your shinbone is vertical to the floor and your right knee is aligned with the second toe of your right foot. Your body weight should be distributed into the right hip. Push off firmly with your right foot, returning to starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.

Side Lying Hip Abduction: Lie on your side on the floor in a straight line, keeping abs tight to support your spine. On an exhale, slowly raise the upper leg off the lower leg to a 45-degree angle. Keep the knee straight and the foot in a neutral position. Gently inhale and return the leg to your starting position in a slow, controlled manner. After completing your set, roll over and repeat with the opposite leg.

Stability Ball Hamstring Curl: Lie on your back on the floor, placing the backs of your lower legs and heels on the top of a stability ball, arms out to the sides, palms down. Keeping your abs tight, lift your hips up off the floor, pressing the legs and heels into the ball for additional stability. Continue to press upwards until your body is in a straight line from your heels to your shoulder blades. Exhale and slowly bend your knees and pull the ball toward your hips, until you can rest the soles of the your feet on top of the ball. Inhale and slowly press the ball away from your hips until the knees are straight, stabilising with the core, hamstrings, glutes and arms.

(Weight Loss Tip Of The Day)

Eat Grains Post Workout Only: Grains like pasta or rice are very caloric dense: 100g of pasta has over 350kcal. Whilst 100g broccoli has only 35kcal, so limit your intake of grains to post workout only; to automatically reduce your caloric intake and significantly decrease fat growth.

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