Monday 2 September 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 21) "Run Faster and Stronger, Using Advanced Techniques"

How to Run Faster and Stronger, Using Advanced Techniques

How to run faster

If you  can run 5 or 6 miles continuously, are running 20-25 miles a week regularly, you may have a need for speed. Some experts recommend waiting until you have a year of running under your belt, before starting to incorporate speed workouts into your routine.
Simply running further will improve endurance, but it isn’t enough to help you run faster. The best way to run faster is to use a range of different running techniques; which will not only help to increase your running pace, but also improve endurance.


What is it? Running doesn’t call for a whole range of movement or power, especially running on the flat. To engage more muscles and for a greater range of movement, incorporate hill training. The name explains it all. Hill training or hill running, involves running uphill. Simply increase the incline on the treadmill or if you’re running outdoors find a steep hill.

How does it improve running? A better question might be – what doesn’t hill training do? Running uphill, forces your muscles to contract in a way, more powerfully than running on the flat: strengthening leg muscles and improving cardiovascular fitness, to make you a more powerful, stronger runner. Other benefits include a quick-end stride, greater stride length and better running economy. Making hill running even more awesome, is how quickly it works. Within just 6 short weeks, you should expect significant improvement in speed – and power. Running on the flat will feel a lot easier.


What is it? Another fast paced workout, tempo running; involves running at a challenging, but maintainable level. A level just outside your comfort zone – you’re breathing hard, but you’re not gasping for air. Tempo runs are “comfortably hard”, you’re running fast, but not too fast. If you can talk easily, or can’t talk at all, you’re not in the tempo zone. When you hit the tempo zone, you’ll be able to speak, but not in full sentences.

How does it improve running? Tempo running is probably the best method of improving speed. Tempo running increases lactate threshold (it takes longer for your body to build up lactic acid – lactic acid leads to fatigue), which allows you to run faster.
What is it? Interval Training involves alternating between running for intense, but brief periods (generally from a few seconds up to 2 minutes) and slightly longer periods of recovery during which you walk or jog.
How does it improve running? Interval training is a great way of boosting cardiovascular fitness and building stamina.


(Golden Fat Loss Tips)  
Complex Carbohydrates: Such as Brown Rice, Brown Pasta or Potatoes, power your training sessions. The more intense those workouts are, the more furnaced that carbohydrate becomes...significantly increasing your energy. Subsequently, you will burn more fat during your weight training session and up to 8 hours, after you workout is completed. This is because of an elevation of your metabolic rate.

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