Wednesday 4 September 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 23) Fast Weight Loss: "High Intensity Interval Training Workout"

Fast Weight Loss: "High Intensity Interval Training Workout"


HIIT workout plan    


If you want to up your game, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is an exercise strategy that will improve your performance. HIIT is fantastic for anyone wanting to lose weight, including those who have been working out and have seen little/ no results or those pressed for time and want to achieve a lot in a short space of time. If you’re looking for ripped abs and toned arms, interval training can help get you there – especially if you throw in some weight training sessions. If there is such a thing as a magic bullet for weight loss, then HIIT probably comes closest to it! If your current “steady-state” aerobic exercise regime isn’t working for you, it is probably worthwhile to try HIIT.


HIIT improves performance, through short exercise sessions and involves alternating short, fast bursts of intensive exercise with slow, easy activity.  An HIIT session involves a warm-up interval, followed by several short, maximum-intensity efforts, separated by moderate recovery intervals, and finally a cool-down interval.
Studies have shown this method, has proven to be more effective, at burning fat and maintaining muscle mass; than long periods of lower intensity aerobic workouts. 

Some studies state that HIIT burns 9x more fat than traditional cardiovascular exercise. HIIT burns a lot of calories during the workout, but where it differs from traditional cardiovascular exercise; is that your metabolism stays elevated for more than 24 hours afterwards! This means that you keep burning calories, after you have finished exercising.Therefore, don’t bother looking for an HIIT calorie calculator. It is difficult to calculate the calorie burn from HIIT training directly, as much of the effects of HIIT do not take place during the workout, but for hours after. 

HIIT does not simply instigate weight loss by burning calories, but acts via a complex series of physiological mechanisms (e.g. nervous and endocrine systems) to lower insulin resistance, improve glucose tolerance, increase exercise and post-exercise fat oxidation, and decrease appetite.


(Golden Fat Loss Tips)
Drink More Water: How much should you drink per day? Allegedly, Sports Scientists and Medical Professionals, don’t actually know the correct daily volume of water, that an individual should drink. However, it is important to regularly take small sips of water during the day. Especially if it is a hot day and if you are doing any form of exercise workout. The reason being, our bodies are made up of approximately between 70% - 80% of water.. we need it to flush out toxins and waste products. It also helps our body to be primed for losing fat.

Tomorrow: The "Benefits" of High Intensity Interval Training

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