Thursday 26 September 2013

How to Run! (Day2)

How to Run



The point isn’t to go as fast as you can or how far you can get in the running interval. The idea is to go slow and steady. You need to pass the “talk test”. That is you are able to speak in complete sentences while you are running at moderate intensity – or thereabouts.  If you can only respond in one-word grunts to your running buddy’s questions, you are running too fast. The main point is simply that you shouldn’t be gasping for air while running. You should be breathing deeply, but not be out of breath. YOU’RE NOT SPRINTING.

Don’t worry if running at that level feels like you’re going in slow motion. Every time you run, you will be fitter than the last time, which means you’ll be able to go faster while maintaining the same moderate intensity and passing the “talk test”. That is why you might see experienced runners running at an incredibly fast pace, but still talking to each other. They are running at moderate intensity, but because they are fit from practicing, they are going faster. If you are running alone, try humming a line or two of a favorite song to work out how intensely you’re running. 

Obviously, if you have a heart rate monitor, all of this is unnecessary. Generally you are able to pass the “talk test” at around 70% of maximum heart rate. Equally, if you can speak in paragraphs you’re going too slowly.





Build Muscle With Strength Training:

A common misconception among women, is that strength training will cause them to bulk up. This is rarely the case. Women don't produce enough of the hormone testosterone, to build the muscles that a man might build doing the same workout. So grab those dumbbells and different types of weights, ladies, and get pumping! Starting a strength-training program requires no special equipment and doesn't mean that you have to join a gym. Simple body weight exercises are effective. For example, combine push-ups with variations of the lunge and abdominal plank exercises, and you will develop strength in all of the major muscle groups of your body. 

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