Thursday 5 September 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 24) Fast Weight Loss: "High Intensity Interval Training Workout"

Fast Weight Loss: "High Intensity Interval Training Workout"


HIIT workout plan 


If you want to raise your game, High Intensity Interval Training is an exercise strategy that will improve your performance. HIIT is fantastic for anyone wanting to lose weight, including those who have been working out and have seen little or no results, or those pressed for time and want to achieve a lot in a short space of time. If you’re looking for ripped abs and toned arms, interval training can help get you there – especially if you throw in some weight training sessions. If there is such a thing as a magic bullet for weight loss, then HIIT probably comes closest to it! If your current “steady-state” aerobic exercise regime isn’t working for you, it is probably worthwhile to try HIIT.


  • Burn more calories
  • Metabolism stays high AFTER workout
  • Fat burning increases during and post workout
  • Shorter workouts
  • Increases power
  • Increases speed
  • Increases endurance
  • Decreases appetite


    The key to HIIT is that it does not allow your body to get used to what you are doing, i.e. by changing your pace and pushing yourself through each interval. No matter what your fitness goals are, HIIT can be one of the best methods to help you achieve them. HIIT is a great technique for those who get bored easily and are already active... or those who have reached a fat loss plateau.
    The variations of HIIT are infinite. You can adjust the training parameters (e.g. ratio of exercise to rest, number of intervals) to make the workouts harder or easier. Generally longer intervals provide better results. The four parameters you can manipulate when designing your interval-training program are:
  • Intensity (i.e. speed) of work interval
  • Duration (i.e. distance or time) of work interval
  • Duration of rest/ recovery interval
  • Number of repetitions of each interval
You can also use any type of exercise for your training, including cycling, sprinting, any cardio machine (stationary bike, cross-trainer, treadmill, stair-master, elliptical machine) hula hooping and jump rope.


(Golden Fat Loss Tips)

The Importance Of Hydration: If you don’t consume enough water the body will start to retain any water that is in the body. However, this could lead to a problem. Any retained water will be utilised for other bodily functions and the muscles will not receive as much water; leaving you feeling bloated and lethargic. The best way to solve this hydration problem, is to take a regular intake of water throughout the day... and as I said in the previous article... more water on hot days and during exercise workouts. This will enable your body to run smoothly and regulate for prime fat loss.

Tomorrow: High Intensity Interval Training Guidelines

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