Sunday 8 September 2013

28-Day Challenge (Day 27) How to Run: Perfect Running Form

How to Run: Perfect Running Form


 How to run - running form



With your head and shoulders aligned correctly, your torso should be in the right position. Your torso should be almost straight, such that you’re running in an upright position, but leaning ever so slightly forward creating a completely balanced posture. Don’t lean back and do not hunch over. Leaning too far forward produces a stumbling, high-impact stride, placing excessive stress on the knees and back. Leaning backward will cause you to take overly long strides and land heavily on your heels, stressing the knees, hips and back. Running upright, with your shoulders back, opens up your chest for maximum lung capacity allowing you to breathe more easily. Don’t twist your torso from side to side.



  • Your arm movement matters, as it helps propel you forward during running. Your arm movement also helps to minimise rotation of the torso. Keep your elbows bent at an approximately 90 degree angle.
  • Your arms should be relaxed and move in unison with your leg stride.
  • Swing your arms up and down. During the upward swing bring your hands in and up towards your sternum. During the downward swing bring your hands out and down towards your waistband. Keep your movement moderate, don’t swing your arms too high or too low, ie keep your arms between waist and chest level.
  • While your arms should swing in and out a little, they should not swing across your body. Most of your arms movement should be forwards and backwards. 



Keep your hands and wrist relaxed, with your hands in an unclenched fist. Your fingers should lightly touch your hands.



Positioning your hips is not so easy to get your head round. But really all it is, is that your hips should point straight ahead. Your hips should be positioned correctly if your head, shoulders and torso are properly aligned. If your torso is leaning too far forward or leaning backward, it will also tilt your pelvis and push your body out of alignment.



In endurance running the knees are not lifted high, but kept fairly low to create an energy efficient stride. Lifting the knee high, as in sprinting, requires a lot of energy and is mostly done to create power and speed. Also, keep knees slightly bent, to absorb the impact when you hit the ground. Don’t make too long a stride, but aim for your feet to land underneath your body. If your lower leg extends in front of your body, you’re making too long a stride. Running tall with a low knee lift will help stop over-striding.



Your foot should hit the ground lightly. Land on the mid-foot area and quickly roll your foot forward onto the ball of the foot/ toes and spring off the ground. You should not be thumping each time you make impact. Running should not be hard and noisy, but be soft, springy and quiet!


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Tomorrow: 5 Exercises For Perfect Legs 

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