Saturday 8 June 2013

Blast It Off With Yoga! (Part 2)

 Blast It Off With Yoga!


For a Strong Chest

Targets chest, mid-back, obliques, core, thighs (inner and outer), butt and hips...

Wrap your left leg over your right leg, touching your left toes to the outside of your right foot (or crossing them behind your right calf, if possible); lower into a squat for Eagle Pose. Inhale as you raise your arms out to the sides to shoulder height, and bend your elbows to 90 degrees for chest flys. (Keep your thighs squeezed and abs engaged throughout the move.)

Exhale and contract your chest muscles as you bring your bent arms together in front of you, then inhale as you contract your shoulder blades to open them back out to the sides. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing and repeat on the other side.


For a Beautiful Back

Targets back, triceps, shoulders, waist, thighs, hips and butt...

With arms down by your sides and palms facing in, step your left foot back, and turn it out to 45 degrees, pressing the outer edge into the floor (both hips should face forward). Bend your front knee to 90 degrees to come into Warrior 1 Pose, then hinge forward from the hips, keeping your abs engaged.

Exhale as you bend your elbows to pull the weights up to hip level, squeezing your shoulder blades together for back rows; inhale as you lower the weights. Do 8–10 reps, then return to standing and repeat on the opposite side.


For Shapely Shoulders

Targets tops of shoulders, back, arms, inner thighs and butt...

Turn your left foot in to come into a wide straddle stance. Walk your feet a little closer together, then turn both feet out to 45 degrees. Push your butt back, and lower into a sumo-type Yogi Squat (keep knees over ankles); let your hands hang down in front of your body, palms facing backward.

Inhale as you straighten your legs and lift your elbows up toward the ceiling, raising the weights to shoulder height for bent-arm shoulder raises. Exhale, lowering your arms and returning to squat position. Do 12–15 reps, then rise up with your arms lowered.

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