Friday 7 June 2013

Dance Your Way Slim Or Blast Off Pounds With Yoga ( Part 1)

Dance Your Way Slim

 dance-to-slimWant to firm up, slim down, and have a blast? Invite your girlfriends, swap your dumbbells for dancing shoes, and host a calorie-sizzling dance party.

"With dancing, you don't realize you are exercising," but getting down for an hour torches between 200 and 600 calories, says Susan Biali, MD, who is a trained flamenco dancer. Plus, it helps build strength, increase flexibility, and even slow the aging process. What's more, grooving with friends equals high-quality bonding time—and that can boost your mood in a big way. Here's how to host your own dance class and treat pals (and yourself) to a fun fitness change-up.

Dance option #1: Enlist an expert
Not everyone is born bouncing like Beyonce. Consider hiring a pro to teach you and your gang the latest moves. "This takes the pressure off people individually," Dr. Biali says. "Everyone is learning and making mistakes together, so each person feels less self-conscious." To score a top-notch teacher, ask your local gym or dance studio for a suggestion, or log on to Had a great session? Bring your pro back for a weekly dance-off-the-pounds party.

Dance option #2: See it, shake it
If you can't swing an instructor or would rather keep things informal, pop in a DVD like Dance with Julianne: Just Dance! ($15: or Dancing with the Stars: Fat-Burning Cardio Dance ($15: These high-energy, easy-to-follow routines can help you blast fat and have lots of fun.

 Blast It Off With Yoga!


Blast It Off!

By Su Reid-St. John
Want a fat-burning workout that’s fast and blasts away your stress, too?

Use this flowing, yoga-with-dumbbells routine from Health’s own yoga guru Kristin McGee to build strength, double your calorie-burn, and decompress. “Concentrating on the movements gets your mind off all of the distractions around you, leaving you feeling peaceful and relaxed,” McGee explains. The result? A calm, fit, and incredibly gorgeous you!


Get Firm Fast

Hold a 2 1/2- to 8-pound weight in each hand and go through the sequence 3 times, flowing smoothly from pose to pose, for a 30-minute, full-body routine. Do it 3 times a week, and you’ll look firmer all over in as little as 3 weeks.


For a Firm Butt

Targets butt, hips, thighs and abs...

Stand with feet together and arms by your sides, shoulders down. Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths; open them, draw in your lower abs, and begin Chair Pose squats: Inhale as you bend your knees, and push your butt back as if sitting in an imaginary chair; exhale and return to standing while squeezing your butt and thigh muscles. Do 20 reps.


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